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This small curved to spiral rod-shaped bacterium is found in the surface epithelial mucus of most patients with active gastritis.

This small business, with the structure of a family business, has two main goals: to find alternative ways for former sex workers to make their living and also to transform these sex workers into activists. 以家庭营业的这种小生意,具有两个主要的目的:为先前的性工作者找到其他出路,让他们能够维生,并使这些性工作者化身为社会运动者。
This small but atmospheric souq was the largest in the region at the start of the 20th century. 这一虽小但极具气氛的集市是20世纪初期当地最大的集市。
This small but continuous cash income has prevented, in many cases, changes in the approach to plantain cultivation. 这种小但持续的收入在很大程度上阻碍了种植方式的改变。
This small code sample shows how to detect where the mouse was clicked in a listview. 这个小程序演示了如何检测鼠标点击了列表视图的哪一个项目。
This small country did not want to be a political orphan under a European protectorate. 这个小国不愿意当欧洲保护关系下的政治孤儿。
This small curved to spiral rod-shaped bacterium is found in the surface epithelial mucus of most patients with active gastritis. 在大多数急性胃炎病人的黏膜上皮可见小弯曲螺旋状杆菌。
This small frog is 1 of more than 20 new frog species discovered by scientists on an expedition in New Guinea in late 2005. 这只小青蛙是2005年末科学家们在新几内亚岛上探险时发现的20种新品种中的一个.
This small gutter was in front of our parking place, looked so cute. 我们停车场所前的一个小水槽,看上去蛮可爱的。
This small house is my only property. 这所小房子是我的唯一财产。
This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm . 这个小岛包含著小而完整的自然界.
This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm. 这个小岛包含著小而完整的自然界.

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