The Iceland striker admits, however, that the two coaching regimes he has encountered could not be more different.
但是古德约翰逊也承认他遇到的这两位主教练的执教方式有天壤之别。 |
The Icelandic singer won the best actress award at the Cannes Film Festival five years ago but has not acted again until now.
冰岛歌后比约克曾经在5年前的戛纳电影节上获得最佳女演员,但此后,她再也没有出演过任何影片。 |
The Icelandic town of Vestmannaeyjer is dwarfed by the erupting Eldfell volcano, which formed suddenly on the eastern edge of the city in January 1973.
冰岛小镇维斯马尼耶由于1973年一月埃尔德菲尔火山的突然爆发而被破坏,这座火山是由于地壳运动突然出现在小镇东部的。 |
The Iceman is much older than the Iron Age men from the Danish peat bogs and older even than the Egyptian royal mummies.
丹麦的泥煤遗址中,发现过铁器时代的史前遗骸,可是冰人早多了,甚至比埃及皇室成员的木乃伊都早。 |
The Idaho Republican earlier announced plans to resign September 30th.
这名爱达荷州的共和党人之前宣布自己将于9月30日辞职。 |
The Idaho Senator denies those allegations and calls his decision to plead guilty to a lesser charge a mistake.
而克瑞格否认所指控的罪行,欲将其归咎为一个小错误。 |
The Idaho Transportation “Department conducts a weekly public bid openings for highway construction and maintenance projects.
爱达荷州交通局每周对高速公路建设和维修项目公开开标。 |
The Idaho gubernatorial candidate formerly known as Marvin Richardson is so strongly opposed to abortion that he has changed his name to Pro-Life.
为了表明自己反对堕胎的态度是如此强烈,正在参加美国爱达荷州州长竞选的候选人马尔文·理查德森最近将其名字该成了“支持生命”。 |
The Identity parameter was omitted (defaulted) and no single clustered mailbox server can be selected. Use the Identity parameter to specify the Clustered Mailbox Server.
标识被省略,并且无法指示群集邮箱服务器,因为此节点上没有已启动的群集邮箱服务器,并且存在多个已停止的群集邮箱服务器。 |
The Ideological functions of the important thought of Three Representsare to save costs of Masses' identifying with the legitimacy of our party, to overcome free rider of some cadres, to reduce the incentive costs to party members and cadres and strengthe
摘要“三个代表”重要思想的意识形态功能主要有节约群众对党执政地位的合法性的认同成本、克服党员干部队伍中的搭便车行为、减少对党员干部的激励成本与增强对党员干部的激励、降低对党员干部的监督与教育费用以及消减干群之间的摩擦成本。 |
The IgNobel Prizes, intended as a tongue-in-cheek alternative to their official counterparts, were presented by genuine Nobel prizewinners in the US late on Thursday.
周四晚上,恶搞版诺贝尔奖—搞笑诺贝尔奖颁奖大会在美国举行,天才获得者们参加了这一盛事。 |