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And the other yoga maybe to fit the modern mind, focus some modernistic way but just like the short order, etc hot yoga, it always let the youngest feel to loose fat soon, but I feel it like the Western medicine, maybe can get the effect soon but maybe co

And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubims were of one measure and one size. 25那一个基路伯的两个翅膀也是十肘,两个基路伯的尺寸,形像都是一样。
And the other criticisms of the act are overdone. 而其它针对该法案的批评则是过分极端的。
And the other major item is water and sanitation. 另外一个主要问题是水源和卫生设备。
And the other scale is small and medium size company. 而另一部分是中小型企业。
And the other things were cultivating the fishes.Sometimes she regretted abdicating the office.After all she was only thirty years old.She referred to going to the company of Dingxiaoning and working there many times.But Dingxiaoning was dead set on agree 有时候她也后悔辞职,毕竟才刚刚30岁,什么时候过完了啊,她提了几次要到丁晓宁的公司里去,丁晓宁坚决不答应,他说,你在这里我会紧张,还是在家好好花钱吧。
And the other yoga maybe to fit the modern mind, focus some modernistic way but just like the short order, etc hot yoga, it always let the youngest feel to loose fat soon, but I feel it like the Western medicine, maybe can get the effect soon but maybe co 其他一些瑜伽练习也许适合了现代人的思想,集结了一些现代的手法,但是就像是快餐一样,还是以热瑜伽为例,它总是让年轻人感到减肥很迅速,但是我觉得它更像是西药,也许可以很快奏效但并不能保持很长的时间。
And the overseer of the Levites at Jerusalem was Uzzi the son of Bani, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Mica, of the sons of Asaph, the singers, for the work of the house of God. 22在耶路撒冷,利未人的监督,照料神殿事务的是歌唱者亚萨的子孙,巴尼的儿子乌西,巴尼是哈沙比雅的儿子,哈沙比雅是玛他尼的儿子,玛他尼是米迦的儿子。
And the oversight of Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest shall be the oil for the light and the fragrant incense and the continual meal offering and the anointing oil, the oversight of all the tabernacle and all that is in it, the sanctuary and its furnis 16祭司亚伦的儿子以利亚撒所要照管的是点灯的油与馨香的香,并常献的素祭和膏油,也要照管全帐幕与其中所有的,就是圣所和圣所的器具。
And the owner says, Sorry buddy, but that's my lucky saucer. So far this week I've sold sixty-eigh cats. 店主说:“对不起,伙计,可那是我的幸运盘子。这星期到现在我已经卖了68只猫了。”
And the pace of this, he said, was “urgently continuing”. 他还指出中国军力增强的步伐是“急迫的,持续的”。
And the paper will concentrate on these three major reasons, one is the incomplete tax reformation in 1994,the second is the dissatisfied transfer payment system and the third is the nonstandard management of the off-budget fund. 另一方面,由于我国现阶段还没有建立起与分税制改革相配套的完善的转移支付制度,这又使得地方政府无法从中央获取足够的财政支持,那么向“外”发展似乎就成了地方政府的最后一个选择了。

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