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You have got plenty of time.

You have good stamina and you are invigorated by challenges. 你有很好的耐力,挑战会让你感到精神振奋。
You have good taste in clothes. 你对衣服很有品味。
You have got a great personality. 你的个性很好。
You have got a parry, in any case, so parry with one forearm and attack simultaneously with the knee and disengaged hand (chin jab or punch to the jaw). 在任何情况下你都需要格挡闪避,那么就用一侧的前臂偏转格挡,同时用膝盖或空着的另一只手进攻(掌跟打下颌或拳击)。
You have got enteritis. 你得了肠炎。
You have got plenty of time. 你有许多时间。
You have got to discard before you pick up another card. 你得先丢一张牌,再拿另外一张牌。
You have got to do as you are told. 你一定得照人家说的做不可。
You have got your sweatshirt on backwards. 他慌张的穿上衣服出来,结果毛衣却穿反了。
You have granted me life and lovingkindness, And Your visitation has preserved my spirit. 12你将生命和慈爱赐给我,你的眷顾也保守我的灵。
You have grown taller than before. 你长得比以前高了。

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