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They made no admi ion that the new aper had been fooling the public.

They made him vice-chairman of the Students' Union. 他们推选他成为学生会副主席。
They made it difficult for us and the pitch is not what we are used to. 他们给我制造了很大的麻烦而场地并我不像我们的场地那样好。
They made little of their achievements. 对待自身的成就他们非常谦虚。
They made me redundant. 他们使我成了超编人员。
They made me thought of the kids I know in the centres (New immigrants' Centre in Tsuen Wan and Little Little Angels Fellowship in North Point Alliance Church) I am volunteering in. 他们令我想起中心和小小天使的孩子,其中有几个颇似英奇,小盛,婷婷,小婷,红红和妙妙。
They made no admi ion that the new aper had been fooling the public. 他们不承认这张报纸一直在愚弄公众。
They made no admission that the newspaper had been fooling the public. 他们不承认这张报纸一直在愚弄公众。
They made no attempt at escaping. 他们没有试图逃走。
They made no attempt to escape. 他们并没有试图逃跑。
They made on the breastpiece chains like cords, of twisted cordage work in pure gold. 出39:15在胸牌上、用精金拧成如绳子的链子。
They made personal sacrifices too. 他们除了出力也同样出钱。

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