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My boss is a stuffed shirt.

My boss is a dictator who makes everyone work overtime. 我的老板是独裁者,让每个人都加班。
My boss is a football fan. 我的上司是一位足球迷。
My boss is a jerks,he always make us work late every night and doesn't pay us for it. 我的老板是一个坏蛋,因为他总让我加班,还不给加班费。
My boss is a real ogre. 我的老板是个十足的恶魔。
My boss is a stuffed shirt,we all don't like him. 我的老板老是爱摆架子,我们都不喜欢他。
My boss is a stuffed shirt. 我的老板老是爱摆架子。
My boss is angry because I forgot to punch out four times last month. 我的老板很生气,因为我上个月有四次忘记打下班卡了。
My boss is giving $150 to anyone who stops smoking by the end of the year .If i start somking now I'll have time to join the contest! 我的老板会给年底前戒烟的每一个人150美圆的奖励,如果我开始抽烟,我将有时间获得这个机会!
My boss is not willing to raise my salary. (我的老板不愿意替我加薪。)
My boss is recovering from a heart attack. 我的老板心脏病发作,正在恢复中。
My boss is such a perfectionist she keeps doing something until she gets it right. 我的老板是一个完美主义者,她会一直不停地尝试直到正确为止.

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