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He told the captain who I was.

He told the Financial Times: “It is not just a question of figures. 他向英国《金融时报》表示:“这不仅仅是一个数字问题。
He told the boy that he would tolerate no back talk form children. 他对那个男孩子说他不能容忍小孩的顶嘴。
He told the boy to buzz off. 他叫那男孩走开。
He told the boy, Son, I have foretold the future many times, and I have never been wrong! 他对小沙弥说:“孩子,我曾经多次预测未来,从未有误。
He told the boys to quit their monkey business, or he would call a teacher. 他告诉那些男孩子不要胡闹,不然他就叫老师。
He told the captain who I was. 他告诉船长我是何许人。
He told the cashier that he didn't want anything; he was just waiting for a man he knew. 他对出纳说,他没什么事儿,只是在等一个他认识的人。
He told the children not to pull up the young plants. 他让孩子们不要把幼苗拔起来。
He told the children to sit up and not slouch. 他叫孩子们坐端正,不要弯腰曲背。
He told the committee that he tried for three years to join the police force, but was rejected because he is a diabetic. 他告诉该委员会,他曾为当警察努力了3年,都因患糖尿病而被拒绝。
He told the distributor that he didn't need any eggs. 他告诉分销商他不需要任何鸡蛋了。

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