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Mr. Jackson has set up a school in the village.

Mr. J seems to kick up his heels every time he pub-lishes a book. 先生每次出书似乎都要庆祝一番。
Mr. J wrote an article for World Journal. 先生为世界日报写了篇文章。
Mr. J.J. ducked down and swung around delivering a left-edge hand blow against the side of the man's neck (Carotid Sinus). 先生下潜闪避,转体用左手手刀劈砍那人的颈侧(颈动脉窦)。
Mr. Jack Bower. Please 1) report to customer service. You have a family 2) member waiting for you there. Mr. Jack Bower. 杰克鲍尔先生,听到广播请洽顾客服务中心,您有家人在此等您。
Mr. Jackson has a green thumb. He has won the garden championship. 杰克逊先生种植技术好,他获得了园艺比赛的冠军。
Mr. Jackson has set up a school in the village. 杰克逊先生在这座村子里开办了一所学校。
Mr. James Koratzopoulos – Resident Manager of InterContinental Pudong Shanghai received the award at the ceremony, which was held in Beijing on 24 April 2006. 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店驻店经理柯岩松先生于2006年4月24日前往北京应邀出席了此次颂奖典礼。
Mr. James is driving to pick me up at the airport. 詹姆斯先生将开车去机场接我。
Mr. Jameson, allow me to introduce Mr. Gibson, director of Cambridge Research Center. 詹姆森先生,让我为你介绍剑桥研究中心的主任吉布森先生。
Mr. Johnson appeared for him in court. 詹森先生出庭为他辩护。
Mr. Johnson got very little pay, and the family lived from hand to mouth when he had no job. 约翰逊先生工资很低,当他失业时,一家人生活没有保障。

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