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An oriole is a bird which has black and yellow feathers.

An organosilicon antifoam, it can remove and inhibit the foam quickly when you put it a little in aqueous foaming systems. 属高效有机硅消泡剂,对水质具有极强的消泡和抑泡能力。倒入少量到吸水机中,或加入到清水或洗涤剂中,可有效消除泡沫或防止泡沫形成。
An orgasm a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一次性高潮,从此远离医生。
An orgasm lasts approximately 3 to 10 seconds, and the orgasmic contraction of both men and women occur at intervals of less than a second each. 性高潮会持续3至10秒,男性或女性的性高潮肌肉收缩状态每次所间隔的时间不会超过一秒。
An oriental ruby. 上等的红宝石
An original founder of R3, she saw a real need for clients to get more out of their agency through win-win partnerships. 作为胜三公司的首创者,她意识到广告主迫切需要通过双赢的合作关系从广告代理的工作成果中获取更多的投资回报。
An oriole is a bird which has black and yellow feathers. 金莺长着黑黄的羽毛。
An ornament, such as a decorative knot, resembling a rose in form; a rosette. 玫瑰花饰一种形似玫瑰花的装饰品,如装饰结;玫瑰花结
An ornamental device, as in stonework or weaving, consisting of stylized vine leaves and tendrils. 螺层一种含有很风格化的藤叶和卷须的装饰结构,如石制品或纺织品上
An ornamental edge was pinked out with special scissors. 装饰花边是用专门的剪子剪成的。
An ornamental looped braid or cord with a button or knot for fastening the front of a garment. (纺锭物)饰扣一种用来系住衣服前襟的装饰性扣环或扣结
An ornamental marble carving or bronze casting depicting a group of weapons or armor placed upon a square or circular base. 战利品雕饰置于一正方形或圆形底座之上的,图形为一堆武器或盔甲的装饰性大理石石雕或铜雕

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