Leaks are detected by sensing the conductivity of the contaminated fluid through the moisture detection probes located in the motor seal chamber and stator housing.
当污水通过位于电机密封腔和定子外壳的潮气探头时,其电导率被检测到,从而检测道泄漏的发生。 |
Leal heart lied never.
心诚无谎言。 |
Leal, who spoke about his country's latest economic developments including investment and trade.
他在讲座上分享了墨西哥的最新经济概况,当中包括投资和贸易发展。 |
Lean against the provincial scenic spot in the holiday village , it is one that melts production of tea , expression transforming , afforestation and travel in holiday , integrative ecological agriculture demonstration base and travel resort of public wel
度假村背靠省级风景名胜区,是一个融茶叶生产、神态公益林改造、园林绿化和旅游度假与一体的生态农业示范基地和旅游度假村。 |
Lean and I were going to go to Morocco together, but at the last moment she cried off.
里恩和我打算一同去摩洛哥,但在最后一刻她放弃了。 |
Lean back with your hands behind your head while seated, giving a feeling of boredom or superiority.
坐时往后靠,双手在头后方,表示无聊或优越感。 |
Lean is a wonderful experience when deployed properly and can be a nightmare when it is not.
正确运用精益理念将受益匪浅,而错误地运用则会适得其反。 |
Lean lens, it is not miracle but the amazing constructions.
倾斜的视角,与倾注的晶状体,不是奇迹的诞生,是建筑气韵的集合。 |
Lean liberty is better than fat slavery.
宁自由而贫困,毋奴于人而富足. |
Lean meat can be larded to keep it moist in the oven.
瘦肉上可加咸肉片烤制以保持水分。 |
Lean meat, fish, and poultry are all excellent choices and should be staples in a high nutrition diet, as should carbohydrates containing whole wheat sources and green leafy vegetables.
瘦肉、鱼、禽肉均为首选,是高营养菜单的主食,也应列入碳水化合物,如全麦面包及绿色叶菜。 |