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The news came through private channels.

The news astonished everyone. 这消息使大家感到惊讶.
The news broadcast will be at 7.00. 新闻广播将在7点开始。
The news brought comfort to all of us. 这消息给我们大家带来了安慰。
The news came as a thunderbolt. I could hardly believe my ears. 这消息犹如晴天霹雳,我简直不相信自己的耳朵。
The news came out that king and queen suddenly fell ill. 国王和王后突然生病的消息传开了。
The news came through private channels. 消息是私下传出来的。
The news came upon me like a thunderbolt. 那个消息对我来说简直是晴天霹雳。
The news can't be true. It's hard for us to believe. 这个消息不可能是真的,真令人难以相信。
The news career of America is only in control of economy but it of China is in control of both economy and politics. 美国的新闻事业受经济控制,而中国的则受经济和政治双重控制。
The news caused a great sensation. 这个消息十分轰动.
The news caused a war scare. 这消息引起了战争恐慌。

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