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Through incision experiment on the impeller of circulating pump times and times, the relation between the size of incision and the capacity and head of the pump was discussed, the law of performance was summarized after the impeller is incised, the existi

Through hydrocarbons combustion, carbon dioxide purification to produce liquid carbon dioxide is an alternative for those regions being devoid of carbon dioxide sources. 摘要对二氧化碳资源贫乏地区,利用烃类燃烧和二氧化碳提纯技术生产液体二氧化碳是可供选择的生产二氧化碳的技术方案。
Through ideological indoctrination and monopolization of political and economic resources under the practice of the “one-party dictatorship” by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the Communist authorities have been able to control people's thinking and wa 共产党凭藉意识形态、等级产权制、政治运动等控制大陆人民的生活、思想与行动,同时垄断所有的政经资源,作为共产党统治的最大基础。
Through improvement of construction technology of chamfer of Zaohe River Third-line Lock's chamber wall, the inclined surface concrete quality has been well controlled. 通过对皂河三线船闸闸室墙倒角施工工艺的改进,斜面砼表面质量得到了较好的控制。
Through in-depth analysis of the four tourism planning projects for the north part of Haidan District, exploration is made from the tourism planning, overall planning, controlling detailed planning, construction detailed planning and activity planning asp 通过深入分析近年来主持编制的北京市海淀北部地区的4个风景地的规划实例,从概念规划、总体规划、控制性详细规划、修建性详细规划以及行动规划等各个规划层面积极探索,希望在风景规划中寻求一种生态环境改善与土地资源有效利用之间高度平衡的规划方法,促进经济发展和环境建设的共同提升。
Through in-situ prospecting, the data about the region and near region seismic activity, geological tectonics as well as the earth geophysical fields have been gained and, the seismic risk analysis of this site has been carried out. 通过现场实地勘察,获得区域、近区域地震活动、地质构造、地球物理场等资料,并对工程场址进行了地震危险性分析。
Through incision experiment on the impeller of circulating pump times and times, the relation between the size of incision and the capacity and head of the pump was discussed, the law of performance was summarized after the impeller is incised, the existi 摘要经过对混流泵叶轮多次切割试验,探讨了叶轮切割量与泵的流量、扬程之间的关系,总结了混流泵叶轮切割后的性能变化规律,进而对现有公式进行了修正。
Through incorporating the effect of the brand advertising and the local promoted advertising jointed investment on demand into the perishable product's supply chain, the game models linking the brand advertising and the local promoted advertising jointed 摘要通过将品牌广告和地方促销广告联合投入对需求的影响引入易逝品供应链,建立了需求不确定环境下品牌广告、地方促销广告联合投入和订货量博弈的模型,指出易逝品供应链中广告投入存在道德风险问题,并给出了消除易逝品供应链中不协调的方法思路。
Through individual the different operating modes of multi-nozzle scoop-type turbine and combined dynamic programming method, it can determine the optimal economic operation scheme for hydroelectric station. 以仁宗海水库电站2台6喷嘴水斗式水轮机组为例,通过将多喷嘴水斗式水轮机的不同运行方式个体化,并结合动态规划法求解,水电站可确定出最优经济运行方案。
Through indolence the rafters sag, and through slackness the house leaks. 传10:18因人懒惰、房顶塌下.因人手懒、房屋滴漏。
Through information communion from international designers, materials are widely collected and regrouped to insure to be broad, accurate and guidable. 我们通过世界各地的设计师网络共享资讯,达到规模性的材料集中和从组,让资讯更具广泛性,正确性和指导性。
Through innovative and creative space planning and design, the interior of a public library could be changed from an originally static image into a dynamic space filled with pleasant reading atmosphere. 公共图书馆空间经由独具匠心及创意的设计,阅读氛围蕴育而生,为静态的建筑注入一股丰富的生命力。

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