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Refers to prairies, grasslands on the slopes, and grass-mountains in pastoral and agricultural areas used for herding and grass growing with vegetation coverage above 5%, including natural, planted or improved grassland.

Refers to Water area of rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoir, etc. 指江、河、池塘、湖泊、塘堰、水库等各种流水或蓄水的水面占地面积。
Refers to a form of collective economic units (enterprises) where capitals come mainly from employees as their shares, with certain proportion of capital from the outside, where production is organized on the basis of independent operation, independent ac 指以合同制为基础,由企业职工共同出资入股,吸收一定比例的社会资产投资组建,实行自主经营,自负盈亏,共同劳动,民主管理,按劳分配与按股分红相结合的一种集体经济组织。
Refers to corporate enterprise engaged in the construction of buildings and structures and in the installation of equipment. 指从事房屋、构筑物建造和设备安装活动的法人企业。
Refers to enterprises established in the mainland of China with exclusive investment from foreign investors in accordance with the Law of The People's Republic of China on Foreign-Funded Enterprises and other relevant laws. 指依照《中华人民共和国外资企业法》及有关法律的规定,在中国内地由外国投资者全额投资设立的企业。
Refers to enterprises established in the mainland of China with exclusive investment from investors from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Foreign-Funded Enterprises and other relevant laws. 指依照《中华人民共和国外资企业法》及有关法律的规定,在内地由港澳台地区投资者全额投资设立的企业。
Refers to prairies, grasslands on the slopes, and grass-mountains in pastoral and agricultural areas used for herding and grass growing with vegetation coverage above 5%, including natural, planted or improved grassland. 指牧区和农区用于放牧牲畜或割草,植被盖度在5%以上的草原、草坡、草山等面积。包括天然的和人工种植或改良的草地面积。
Refers to projects having construction and installation activities undertaken in the reference period, including projects started in the reference period, or continued from the previous period, or completed and put into production or suspended in the refe 指报告期内曾进行建筑或安装工程施工活动的建设项目,包括报告期内新开工项目、报告期以前开工跨入报告期继续施工的项目以及报告期施过工并在报告期内全部建成投产或停缓建的项目。
Refers to push-down stack procedures and is the acronym for last in/first out, a buffer procedure. 一种把数据压入堆栈的过程,即数据缓冲的过程。LastIn/FirstOut的缩写。
Refers to the floor space of buildings completed in the reference period, which have come up to the designed standards and have been put into use. 指在报告期内房屋建筑按照设计要求已全部完工,达到住人和使用条件,经验收鉴定合格,正式移交使用单位的建筑面积。
Refers to the income received by the construction enterprise from the contracted project through settlement procedures, and other charges to the contractores as operational costs in addition to the value of the project, such temporary facility fee, labour 指企业承包工程实现的工程价款结算收入,以及向发包单位收取的除工程价款以外的按规定列作营业收入和各种款项,如临时设施费、劳动保险费、施工机械调迁费等以及向发包单位收取的各种索赔款。
Refers to the length of all routes for regular civil aviation flights. 指民航运输定期班机飞行的航线长度的总和。

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