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But the gift is not like the trespass.

But the gamble paid off. 但冒险是值得的。
But the game plan I had today was good. 不过我今天的战术计划是成功的。
But the gap between the two sides is still significant and negotiations are unlikely to be concluded by the year-end. 但双方今年的要价仍然相差甚远,相关谈判不可能在年底之前结束。
But the gas rigs now keep going through the winter. 但现在天然气钻探使得就业机会在冬季依然存在。
But the generals are far from being in the clear. 但将军们的处境远没有这么一目了然。
But the gift is not like the trespass. 15只是过犯不如恩赐。
But the glaring omission from that list is the one issue Canadians care most about: guaranteeing speedy access to public health care. 但是承诺清单上少了重要的一条也是加拿大人最关心的事情:保障快速地得到公费医疗。
But the glitterazzi turn out to be wrong and Billy Byrne is all over in a split second. 但是在外的旋转是错误的而且比利在一个劈开秒中是到处。
But the global spending spree undertaken by Gulf states, snapping up international companies and real estate nevertheless looks set to continue. 然而,这些国家在全球范围内收购国际性企业和房地产的投资热情似乎将持续下去。
But the gloom thesis is not really borne out by recent economic data, which have shown, for example, strong American employment gains and buoyant German manufacturing. 但这个负面的论调尚未在最近的经济数据中反映出来,相反最近美国就业数据以及德国制造业数据都较为强劲。
But the goalie fenced it out. 可惜守门员将球挡出球门。

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