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A lossless scheme of a binary image watermark based on wavelet transform is proposed.

A loss in a mere Division Series is not in the organizational game plan. 在分区系列赛输球不是球队的计画。
A loss is a loss,says Mike Siemienas, a spokesman for insurance giant Allstate, as long as it's covered under your policy . 我们的服务宗旨是你做为一个客户不用证明有人闯入了你家。”
A loss of euro100m dents WestLB's reputation more than its balance sheet. 一亿的损失相对于西德意志银行的资产负债表来说更多的是对其声誉造成影响。
A loss to the Tigers in the first round of the postseason would be somewhere between unacceptable and unthinkable for the Yankees. 洋基队如果在季后赛第一轮输给老虎是不能被接受、不可思议的。
A loss to the Yankees would be deeply disappointing, but it would not really tarnish all that has been accomplished by the Tigers this season. 输给洋基可能很令他们失望,但是并不会掩盖老虎队本季所绽放的光芒。
A lossless scheme of a binary image watermark based on wavelet transform is proposed. 摘要针对二值水印图像,提出一种基于小波的无损的数字水印系统。
A lost chance can never come back. 失去的机会不会再来。
A lost chance never returns. 错过的机会永不再来.
A lost collection of personal papers belonging to Sherlock Holmes creator Sir Arthur Conan Doyle sold for £948,546 at auction on May 19. 5月19日,夏洛克·福尔摩斯的创造者亚瑟·科南·道尔曾经丢失的一套个人文件集在拍卖会上以948,546英镑的价格售出。
A lost opportunity never returns. 机不可失,失不再来。
A lost thing may be found again,but lost time can never be regained. 一件东西丢了可能找回来,而弄丢了时间可就永远找不回来了。

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