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Some people are still unaccounted for.

Some people are saying if you reboot the server it works ok - this is true but who wants to run a web program on a server that has to be rebooted every 10 or so times the website is accessed????? 一些人认为重新启动机器就会恢复正常—确实但是谁愿意在运行网络程序的时候每隔10分钟就重起机器来维持正常上网?
Some people are saying that it could be a disadvantage for Renault because Michelin is leaving F1, but I don't think so. 一些人说那可能会是雷诺车队的劣势,因为米其林正打算离开F1,但我却不这样认为。
Some people are sexually excited by pornographic magazines. 有的人看到色情杂志能激发起性欲。
Some people are skeptical of the leaders' professed sympathy for the poor. 领导者声称同情穷人,有些人对此表示怀疑。
Some people are still not aware of the pollution of the waste water from factories. 仍然有一些人没有意识到来自工厂污水的污染。
Some people are still unaccounted for. 一些人仍然下落不明。
Some people are there walking secretively in a building across the street. 一些鬼鬼祟祟的人正在街道对面的一座建筑物中寻找什么。
Some people are too conscious of how they dress. 有些人对自己的衣着过于考究了。
Some people are very hard to satisfy. 有些人是很难使其满意的。
Some people are very inquisitive. 有些人好管闲事.
Some people are worried chemical warfare may follow. 有些人担心,接着可能会有一场化学战争。

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