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The results indicated that low graphite spheroidization rate and free cementite were the main causes of poor mechanical property.

The results indicated that gas discharge could enhance the oxidation with a rather low power consumption. 使用交直流叠加电源,亚硫酸钠的转化率随著交流电压的升高而升高。
The results indicated that gender makes no significant difference in achievement motivation and job satisfaction, but gender role plays a significant part. 因此,性别角色才是影响工作者在成就动机与内在工作满意的重要因素。
The results indicated that in the precondition of eligible durability, 11% of FA content and 7% of stone powder content had the composition effects, which made concretes have best workability and strength, and restrain the shrinkage to a degree. 结果表明,在耐久性满足要求的前提下,11%掺量的粉煤灰与7%含量的石粉产生了良好的复合叠加效应,使混凝土获得了最佳和易性和强度值,且对干缩起到了一定的抑制作用。
The results indicated that it was easy, feasible and practical to forecast the dynamics of the adult population with the method. 结果表明:应用此方法监测马毛松毛虫种群数量动态的变化,简单、实用、可行。
The results indicated that large amounts of non-natural silver grains existed in this branch of lead concentrates and the silver grains were distributed around the galena in a loose flocculating form. 结果表明,此批铅精矿含有大量的非天然银矿物,银颗粒呈疏松絮状物分布在方铅矿周围。
The results indicated that low graphite spheroidization rate and free cementite were the main causes of poor mechanical property. 试验结果表明,控制碳当量和球化剂加入量,采用瞬时孕育等可提高球化率;采用预热砂型等可减少渗碳体。
The results indicated that net-suspended spray seeding(NSSS), spray seeding(SS), grass-stick technique(GST), liana protection(LP) and grass protection(GP), were the best preventative ways to prevent soil erosion, to renew succession and to form stable eco 研究结果表明,挂网喷播、普通喷播、草棒技术、藤本护坡和植草护坡,是防止水土流失、更新演替,形成稳定的生态群落的最好方法,有着广阔的应用前景。
The results indicated that on average the rank order of the concentrations of different nitrogen species in overlying water and porewater was organic nitrogen>ammonia>nitrate; the main form of inorganic nitrogen in sediments was of ammonia, and the submer 结果表明:总体上,上覆水和间隙水中不同形态氮含量的顺序为有机氮>氨氮>硝态氮;沉积物中可交换态无机氮以氨氮为主,沉水植物的存在并没有改变这一格局。
The results indicated that opposite maize had widespread heterosis like alternative maize; yield advantage of opposite F1 (alternative × alternative) was better than that of F1 (opposite × opposite) and F1 (alternative × opposite or reverse); general comb 结果表明:对生玉米同互生玉米一样具有普遍的杂种优势,在产量性状上F1对生株优势互×互组合大于对×对组合和对×互(互×对)组合;对生性状的转育对产量性状的一般配合力有降低效应,而含有对生基因的互生玉米具有较高的一般配合力效应,因此,在对生玉米育种中可以利用含有不同对生基因的互生自交系作亲本来组配杂交组合(互×互),从而获得较高的制种产量和高产的对生杂交种。
The results indicated that the LRGR mean winter rainfall longitudinally distributed along river, while the unique topography of LRGR did not obviously have impact on the winter rainfall; the winter temperature distribution was like belt, which decreased f 结果表明:纵向岭谷区多年平均冬季降水空间上沿河流呈纵向分布;但纵向岭谷独特地形对冬季降水变化的空间分布影响不明显;冬季气候平均温度大致呈东西向带状分布,由低纬到高纬温度逐渐递减;在区域上,纵向岭谷独特地形的“通道-阻隔”作用对冬季温度空间分布的影响不明显;但在怒江和澜沧江流域,这种影响则较为明显。
The results indicated that the REE tracer technology has high precision to quantify the spatial-temporal process of soil erosion; In earlier rainfall course, the development degree of sheet and nil erosion was general equation; Otherwise in the following 结果表明:REE示踪技术对定量研究土壤侵蚀具有较高的精度;降雨前期,片蚀与细沟侵蚀发育程度基本相当;后期细沟侵蚀占据坡面侵蚀的主导地位,其侵蚀平均加速度和平均侵蚀率分别是片蚀的15倍、9倍;试验结束,细沟侵蚀占据坡面总侵蚀的90%;本试验条件下,坡面下1/3区域为侵蚀活跃带。

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