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Every year, coffee lovers consume more than four hundred billion cups, are one of the world\'s biggest commodities, second only to oil.

Every year, Maryland Center identifies important trade show opportunities for Maryland to promote Maryland commercial interest in China and to enhance the information exchange between Maryland companies and their Chinese counterparts. 中心拥有丰富的国内外展会信息,能不断寻找中国主要展览会或洽谈会的机会以推介马里兰并促进马里兰州企业和中国国内企业的接触和信息交流,为发展双方的经贸合作提供平台和机会。
Every year, Pakistani media report dozens of deaths and injuries caused by kite flying, mainly of children and motorcyclists whose throats are sometimes cut by metal or glass-coated string. 每年,巴基斯坦媒体都要报道几十起因放风筝而引起的伤亡事故,受害者往往是小孩或摩托车手,他们有时会被金属风筝线或风筝线上的玻璃划伤咽喉。
Every year, about 13 million rural people flood into China's cities, equivalent to the current population of Beijing, Vice Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing told the Fudan University International Urban Forum last week. 在上周末举行的“复旦大学国际城市化论坛”上,建设部副部长仇保兴说,我国每年约有1300万的农村人口涌向城市,这个数字相当于现在整个北京市的人口。
Every year, about 13 million rural people flood into China's cities, equivalent to the current population of Beijing, Vice-Minister of Construction Qiu Baoxing told the Fudan University International Urban Forum over the weekend. 在上周末举行的“复旦大学国际城市化论坛”上,建设部副部长仇保兴说,我国每年约有1300万的农村人口涌向城市,这个数字相当于现在整个北京市的人口。
Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool. 每年,孩子们都对我群起而攻之,将我抛入游泳池。
Every year, coffee lovers consume more than four hundred billion cups, are one of the world\'s biggest commodities, second only to oil. 每年,喜爱咖啡的人消费超过4000亿杯的咖啡,是世界上最大的日用消费品之一,仅次于石油。
Every year, diabetes contributes to over 224,000 deaths. 每年死于糖尿病的人将超过22万4千人。
Every year, he and his friends would go to summer camp. 每年,他和朋友们都要去夏令营。
Every year, hundreds of Rotaract clubs submit details about their exceptional service projects to Rotary International. 每年,数百个扶轮青年服务团将他们的特别的服务计画的细节提交给国际扶轮。
Every year, in the Antarctic, an incredible love story occurs between thousands of small, cuddly penguins. 在南极洲,每年都有成千上万只小巧可爱的企鹅,演绎着一个个令人难以置信的爱情故事。
Every year, many companies lose millions (and sometimes billions) of dollars due to corporate spies. 每一年,很多公司由于公司间谍而损失数百万(有时数十亿)美元。

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