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I am a stationmaster which gate of Chinese topic the hell stands.

I am a slow walker, but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。
I am a sojourner of that village. 我是那个小村庄的逗留者。
I am a soldier of the fourth cavalry. 我是第四骑兵部队的一员。
I am a spirit whose memory was lost in hell, ready to be reborn by my mother. 我是幽灵`在地狱失去了记忆,投入母亲腹中重生!
I am a spirit(ghost)`lost my memory in hell, i dived into mother's womb to be reborn! 我是幽灵`在地狱失去了记忆,投入母亲腹中重生!
I am a stationmaster which gate of Chinese topic the hell stands. 应该是讲我是一个中文地狱之门网站的站长。。。。
I am a stranger and a sojourner with you: give me a possession of a buryingplace with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight. 4我在你们中间是外人,是寄居的。求你们在这里给我一块地,我好埋葬我的死人,使她不在我眼前。
I am a stranger here myself. 我自己在这里也是个陌生人。
I am a student of GEA Uni, I want to apply for travel visa to Italy,for this is my first application, I don't know stuffs required, would you please fax me a list of all the materials in need? 我是GEA大学的学生,我想办理去意大利的旅游签证,这是第一次,不知道需要些什么,你能给我发一份我所需的签证材料的传真清单吗?
I am a student of Yantai Unversity,majoring in English.I will graduate this July.Now I have a lot of free time,so I want to do some part time jobs,mainly teaching the future friends English or Chinese . 本人是烟台大学英语专业大四的学生,现课余时间充裕,故想做韩国等外国友人的英语或汉语家教老师。
I am a student. They are teachers. 我是一名学生,他们是教师。

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