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This month Mexico City will follow suit.

This month Boyun the chirp sends out diphthong, this time we duplicate him the chirpto make the response, and converseswith lip shape must obviously and her. 这个月的柏妘会咿咿啊啊地发出双元音,此时我们多重复他的「咿咿啊啊」去做回应,并且用唇形要明显地和她「对话」。
This month Brazil launched a campaign to ban under-age, underweight models from shows in response to the death of a Brazilian model from complications due to anorexia. 由于一个巴西模特因厌食症而死去,巴西这个月举行了禁止了未成年、不够体重的模特参加时装秀的活动。
This month Canon said it would build a $450m optical-sensor factory in Japan. 此外,尖端的制造业倾向于低劳动密集型,这使得低劳动力成本国家的吸引力减弱。
This month I had to pay 200 yuan RMB toll call. 这个月我要缴200元的电话费。
This month I want to discuss a program called “Teach for America, ” which is an example of how a very determined person can make a large difference in the lives of others. 这个月我想介绍一个叫做“为美国教书”的工程,这是一个决心坚定的人如何能使其他人的生活产生巨大变化的范例。
This month Mexico City will follow suit. 本月墨西哥城将紧随其后。
This month armed gangs stooped lower than ever by kidnappingtoddlers for ransom, including a three-year-old Briton and the son of aprominent chief. 本月,武装群伙更是比以前“屈尊降贵”,竟然干起了绑架小孩的敲诈行径,包括了一位三岁英国孩童与一位卓越酋长的儿子。
This month has been quite a drain on my wallet. 我这个月的花费真不少。
This month on National Geographic Channel, Outbreak Investigation looks into a case of smallpox in 1963. 本月国家地理频道的《危机总动员》,将探讨1963年发生的一起天花案例。
This month's amount of deposits in the bank exceeds last month's by fifteen percent. 这个银行本月的储蓄额超过上个月百分之十五。
This month's figures are comprised in the total. 这个月的数字已包含在总数之内。

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