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All those who gain power are afraid to loss it. Even the Jedi.They asked you to spy on me,didn't they?

All things have been handed over to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. 路10:22一切所有的、都是我父交付我的.除了父、没有人知道子是谁.除了子和子所愿意指示的、没有人知道父是谁。
All things have been handed over to Me by My Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father; nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and anyone to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. 太11:27一切所有的、都是我父交付我的.除了父、没有人知道子.除了子和子所愿意指示的、没有人知道父。
All things hinge upon your hearty renunciation of everything which you are aware does not lead to God. 凡是从心里弃绝一切的事,并不能把你带到神面前。
All this I have told you so that you will not go astray. 1我已将这些事告诉你们,使你们不至于跌倒。
All this happened to Nebuchadnezzar the king. 但4:28这事都临到尼布甲尼撒王。
All those who gain power are afraid to loss it. Even the Jedi.They asked you to spy on me,didn't they? 想要获得力量的人总会害怕失去它.即使是绝地武士.他们让你来监视我,是吗?
All those who made jokes or were celebrating will have nothing to laugh about this time out,he proclaimed. 他声明:“所有嘲笑和庆祝的人这次将无法欢笑。”
All told, the economy seemed to have entered 2005 expanding at a reasonably good pace, with inflation and inflationary expectations reasonably well anchored,he said. 他说:“总的来看,美国经济是迈着健康的步伐进入2005年的。不论目前的通货膨胀情况还是未来的通货膨胀预期都相当稳定。”
All us students are up in arms at the news the school is raising our tuition ten percent. 这句话的意思是:“当我们学生听到学校要提高百分之十的学费时,我们都火冒三丈。”
All victims were swept away by the landslide while they were sleeping,a police officer said. 一名警官称:“所有遇难者都是在睡觉时遭到泥石流攻击的。”
All we can do is keep putting pressure on Manchester United. That is all that is ever asked of us. “现在我们要做的就是继续给曼联施压。这是我们现在唯一的使命。

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