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Based on the analysis and comparison of current popular vehicle plate character recognition methods, we propose a novel algorithm, which extracts some discriminative structure features of characters, and constructs a rational decision tree to per-form eff

Based on the analysis a mixed flow model and a generalized appoximate formula are presented. 理论公式与各类实验公式比较指出了这些公式的共同缺陷和相互间不能统一的原因。
Based on the analysis about the influences of the mixing time, the penetration ratio of injected powder and the residence time of injected powder in the bath on the desulphurization process, a mathematical model which taken these three parameters into acc 在具体分析熔池均混时间、粉剂穿透比及粉剂停留时间这3个基本参数对脱硫过程影响的基础上,建立了能体现这3个参数影响的模拟铁水喷吹镁粒和碳化钙复合粉剂脱硫处理的数学模型,并讨论了两种粉剂在脱硫过程中的耦合效果。
Based on the analysis about the situation of the cultural decline with the small ethnics in our China, this article points out that we should get proper cognition to the development and protection of culture with the small ethnics in our China; and analyz 摘要本文从我国小民族文化衰亡的形势分析出发,指出了对我国小民族文化发展与保护应持有的认识;分析了小民族文化的旅游价值特性,并从民族文化的保护与发展的角度论述了旅游的意义;以黑龙江省同江市街津口赫哲民族乡为例确立了基于旅游开发的小民族聚居地民族文化保护战略。
Based on the analysis and calculation of ship resistance, according to the main factors influencing the resistance, such as sailing speed, water depth and ship draft ratio, and coefficient of sectional form, the deepwater, shallow water and restricted cha 摘要通过对船舶阻力的分析和计算,根据影响阻力的主要因素,航速、水深与船吃水比、断面系数,由换算系数来界定深水、浅水与限制性航道。
Based on the analysis and canparison of equipments and process ofthe staple fiber production line with annual capacity 30000 tons from Zimmer and Inventa, the measures taken by the two companies to increase the production capacity, the modification of the 对吉玛公司和伊文达公司年产3万吨涤纶短纤维生产线的设备和工艺特点进行分析比较,指出两公司的大容量短纤生产线在前纺和后纺所采取的增加生产能力的措施,后纺拉伸工艺的变化,以及两公司在工艺设备上的一些差别。
Based on the analysis and comparison of current popular vehicle plate character recognition methods, we propose a novel algorithm, which extracts some discriminative structure features of characters, and constructs a rational decision tree to per-form eff 摘要对当前典型的车辆牌照字符识别算法进行了研究和分析,在此基础上提出一种新型算法,通过提取一些具有表征性的字符结构特征构建合理的判决树进行有效识别。
Based on the analysis and comparison of influences of various intermediate support bearing types on the internal forces of the curved girder bridges, the applicable conditions of the different hearing types for design of the curved girder bridges with fai 摘要通过中支点不同的支承形式对曲线梁桥内力影响的分析和比较,得出不同的支承形式在较窄和曲线半径较小曲线梁桥设计中的适用条件。
Based on the analysis and comparison of the scientific and technical development level of domestic and overseas garment, gaps are pointed out and the way to develop the Chinese garment science and technlogy is worked out: to apply new and high-tech to ser 摘要通过对目前国内外服装科技发展水平进行的比较分析,找出了如下差距:自主知识产权率不高,设备以中低档为主,信息化建设处于初级阶段;提出了发展中国服装科技的思路:嫁接高新科技,为发展战略服务,与企业互动。
Based on the analysis and discussion of the pattern of functional zoning, we suggest that the different types of MNR should adopt different pattern of functional zones in terms of their own characteristics. 本文通过对海洋自然保护区的功能分区的分析探讨,提出不同类型的保护区应采用不同的功能分区模式进行管理。
Based on the analysis and judgement of this national condition, Chinese government has proposed the strategy of constructing the new-style countryside. 基于对这一基本国情的分析和判断,中国政府提出建设新农村的重大战略思路。
Based on the analysis and practice of the ultrasonic soldering process, the results show that it is important to procure high soldering quality on controlling submersion depth, the ultrasonic soldering time, assembling clearance and solder composition. 根据对超声波钎焊工艺的分析和实践,结果表明控制产品在钎焊时的浸没深度与产品装配间隙、超声波钎焊时间和钎剂成分是获得高钎焊质量的重要条件。

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