It is theoretically and practically significant to compare and analyze these two modes.
对这两种模式及其特点进行比较分析,具有理论和现实两方面的意义。 |
It is theorized that Leonardo da Vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the Mona Lisa.
在这一理论中,莱昂那多·达·芬奇沿着蒙娜·丽莎脸上的面纱边缘来刻画他自己的肖像。 |
It is therefore an effective strategy to strengthen internal exchanges in the art world of Asia in order to confront collectively against Euro-centrism and the hegemonic Western culture.
加强亚洲艺术界内部的相互交流,是共同面对欧洲中心主义和西方“强势文化”扩张的有效策略。 |
It is therefore concluded that the model is largely cost-effective in monitoring illegal rooftop structures and thus can be used to set up databases of illegal rooftop structures, including location and time, through integration with personal inspection o
藉由本研究所提出之屋顶加盖物侦测法所产生之监测成果,日后则可与建管单位之相关查报资料比对,找出违建确切发生地点、建立违建发生之时间资料库,并可持续追踪违建拆除成效,必能有效的节省相关单位在屋顶加盖物查报上花费的人力及时间成本。 |
It is therefore essential that the requirements be understood thoroughly at the initial phase of testing.
因此在测试初始阶段能够充分理解需求是必不可少的而且非常重要的一步。 |
It is therefore important that the character encoding used for content is correctly labelled if you want people to be able to read it.
因此,如果你想让别人能够读出你的文字内容,是用正确的字符编码是很重要的。 |
It is therefore important to develop and validate standard methods, both for the characterization of dietary fibre (quantification, particle size, water binding, fermentability, solubility) and for the evaluation of its clinical.efficacy.
因此,确定一种标准的研究方法很重要,它应该规定用于研究的膳食纤维的特性(如剂量、颗粒大小、水结合度、可酵解度、溶解度等)和临床疗效的评价方法。 |
It is therefore important to support side-by-side execution of multiple versions of the same functionality, on the same box or even in the same process.
因此,对同样功能的多个版本的并行执行——在同样一个“匣子”,甚至过程里——的支持就非常重要。 |
It is therefore important to understand the scope and purpose of Incoterms-when and why you might use them-before you rely on them to define such important terms as mode of delivery, customs clearance, passage of title, and transfer of risk.
因此,在依据其确定诸如交货方式、清关、物权转让和风险转移等重要条件以前,理解国际贸易术语解释通则的适用范围和目的——何时以及为什么要采用他们——是至关重要的。 |
It is therefore in your interests to submit your completed application as soon as you can.
所以,从你的利益出发,你应该尽快提交完整的申请资料。 |
It is therefore inadvisable to use electrolytic, paper or plastic film capacitors for decoupling at high frequencies.
这种结构的电容具有相当大的自感,而且当频率超过几兆赫时主要起电感的作用。 |