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One must do violence to the object of one's desire; when it surrenders, the pleasure is greater.

One hundred steps on footafter a meal, will influence the alimentary canal digestion and absorption of the nutriment because of increasing in amount of exercise. 饭后“百步走”,会因运动量增加而影响消化道对营养物质的消化吸收。
One is Wayne Bridge and maybe Del Horno can be the other one. “一个是韦恩,另一个或许会是奥尔诺。”
One long day with five games. “有著五场比赛的超长一天。”
One man and his chip pan (deep-fat fryer used to make French fries) may be able to turn fat (from cereal grains) into petrol, but he's a long way from being able to take on BP,says Nick Matthews, principal fellow at the Warwick Manufacturing Group, a rese “一个人加上一口煎锅(用宋炸薯条的深底油锅)也许能够把(谷类作物的)脂肪转化成汽油,但要撼动BP则远非易事,”英格兰中部一家研究机构华威制造工程学院的负责人尼克·马修斯表示。
One moment,said Holmes, are you sure about this whistle and metallic sound? Could you swear to it? “等一下,”摩丝说,“你肯定你听到了口哨声和金属声?你断定你听到了?”
One must do violence to the object of one's desire; when it surrenders, the pleasure is greater. 你必须虐待你渴望的对象;当他/她向你臣服,快感会更强烈。
One of the biggest misfires in its genre since Godzilla. 这一类型的电影自<哥斯拉>以来最大的失败.
One of the comedians was a Manchester United fan, so he was ribbing me straight away - but I think I handled it quite well. 一位戏剧演员是曼联的球迷,所以他直接地戏弄我,但是我认为我将这个问题处理得很好。
One of the great accomplishments of my career,McGrady said. “这是我职业生涯中的伟大成就之一。”踢麦说。
One of the greatest victories you can gain over someone is to beat him at politeness. 费译:对于某些人你能获得的最伟大的胜利就是在礼貌上战胜他。
One of the problems of course is that I have to get Beckham, Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard to work better together,he said. 问题之一当然是我们必须让小贝,杰拉德,兰怕德在一起能良好运转,他说。

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