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A:Calm down.They are already mistakes.If you can not redo it,just choose to learn something from them .

A:But,it is only a debit card without the function of credit co umption. 但它只是一种借记卡,没有信用消费的功能。
A:But,it is only a debit card without the function of credit consumption. 但它只是一种借记卡,没有信用消费的功能。
A:By one accredited person, say a team leader, or a coach, or a team doctor or an interpreter. 您可以由一名领队,或一名教练,或一名队医或翻译陪同一起去。
A:By the way ,I ‘m going to clean out all the old files by tomorrow .Would you like to look through any of them before I throw them away ? 顺便说一下,我准备明天之前把所有的档案都清理一把它们处理掉之前,你还要仔细地下,在我检查一遍吗?
A:By the way, Mr. Black, what's the room for mark-up? 顺便问一下,布莱克先生,我们的利润空间是多少?
A:Calm down.They are already mistakes.If you can not redo it,just choose to learn something from them . 冷静,错误已经犯下了,如果你没法从头做一次的话,那就选择从中吸取教训。
A:Can I buy things with it? 我可以用它来购物吗?
A:Can I cash the traveler''s checks here? 我能在这里兑换旅行支票吗?
A:Can I have another piece of cake? 我可以再要一块蛋糕吗?
A:Can it be settled on RMB? 它可以用人民币结算吗?
A:Can you recommend one for me? 你能够帮我推荐一下吗?

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