Undernutrition is associated with poverty and social deprivation, occurring among the poor, including some immigrants arriving from developing countries.
营养低下与贫穷和物质匮乏有关,通常发生于穷人中,如来自发展中国家的移民。 |
Underpinning the rise were increasing government action against foreign investors in Latin America and central Asia and credit risks in Eastern Europe.
导致这一风险指数上升的主要因素是,拉美和中亚国家的反外资行动日益增加,以及东欧的信贷风险不断上升。 |
Underpinning these rises is a sharp increase in the prices of grains such as corn (maize) and wheat, both of which recently hit ten-year highs.
这些价格增长的背后是玉米和小麦这类粮食价格的飞涨,而它们的价格最近已达到十年来的最高水平。 |
Underpinning trends in automation technology and process control is moving towards transparent system solutions.
自动化技术和过程控制的基托趋势转向了透明的系统解决方案。 |
Underreporting, rather than infrequency, represents the main cause for this limited data, in part due to the lack of centralized databases.
报道不全是这些数据有限的主要原因,而并非发生罕见,其原因部分是由于中央数据库的缺乏。 |
Underscore the message that every person with diabetes or at risk of diabetes deserves the best quality of education, prevention and care that is possible.
重点关注每一位糖尿病患者或糖尿病高危人群应该得到的最好的糖尿病教育、预防和治疗的信息。 |
Undershoot Undershoot refers to the amount by which voltage or frequency drops below the nominal value as the voltage regulator or governor responds to changes in load.
下超调下超调指电压调整器或控制器在应对负荷变化时,电压或频率低于额定的量。 |
Understand all of the interfaces that data passes through between the user and the database.
理解所有有数据通过的接口,这些数据贯穿在用户和数据库之间。 |
Understand and develop Career Pathing models.
理解并制定职业道路模式。 |
Understand and grasp the simple ways to add or subtract a number which is close to a round number.
理解并掌握一个数加上或减去接近整十、整百的数的简便算法。 |
Understand and use 4th normal form in your relational database designs Make sure every table only contains fields strongly coupled to the primary key, and make sure that only fields which will mostly be filled for all rows in the table are present.
理解,使用原野和主要的钥匙有力地结合的你的设计弄清所有桌子都仅仅包括的关系数据库里的第4个通常的形式,确认将主要是为全部排在桌子被装满的仅仅原野都现在。 |