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They stuck to their promise.

They struck for better working conditions. 他们为争取改善工作条件而罢工。
They struggle to earn enough money to bring home the bacon. 他们努力赚钱只够给家里买咸猪肉。
They struggled all the way up the street this way, one cursing and pulling, the other silently resisting. 他们就这样子艰难地在街上对峙着,一个一边拉一边骂,一个默默地反抗。
They stuck the notice on the wall. 他们把通知贴在墙上。
They stuck to the meat and potatoes of broadcasting - sports and news. 他们注重播放最关键的东西,即体育和新闻。
They stuck to their promise. 他们坚守诺言。
They stuck with him even though he said his suspension essentially ruined their season. 他们一直都很支持他,即便是他说他的迟疑肯定会破坏他们的整个赛季。
They studied around the clock for the final-exams. 为了期末考试,他们整日学习.
They study English as hard as we do. 他们学英语和我们一样努力。
They study languages, a social science, an experimental science, mathematics and the arts. 他们要学习语言学,社会科学,实验科学,数学,文学。
They subscribe to such magazines as The Aquarium, and join clubs. 他们订阅诸如“水族馆”这样的杂志,并且加入俱乐部。

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