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Animals Experimental Study on Pneumoperitoneum Preconditioning Protection on Liver in Laparoscopy;

Bio-modification of Rhus laccase on masson pine CTMP; 漆树漆酶对马尾松化机浆的生物改性研究
Studies on the extracting technology of flavones from Capsella bursa-pastoris(L) added with ultra wave technique; 荠菜黄酮的超声提取工艺研究
Effects of Qidiguixiongtang on Hemorrheology and Renal Function in Patients with Early Diabetic Nephropathy; 芪地归芎汤对早期糖尿病肾病血液流变性及肾功能的影响
Effects of umbilical cord blood endothelial progenitor cells transplantation on angiogenesis after myocardial infarction; 脐血血管内皮祖细胞移植对心肌梗死血管形成的影响
Simulation and analysis of non-linear swing system for crane; 起重机非线性摇摆系统的仿真和分析
Animals Experimental Study on Pneumoperitoneum Preconditioning Protection on Liver in Laparoscopy; 气腹预处理对腹腔镜手术大鼠肝脏保护作用的实验研究
Determination of Organochlorine Pesticide Residues in Herba Asari by GC; 气相色谱法测定细辛道地药材中有机氯类农药残留量
Determination of residual solvents in asarone by GC; 气相色谱法测定细辛脑中的有机溶剂残留量
The Gas Chromatography Simultaneous Determination of Carbinol,n-butyl Alcoholin and Amylene Alcohol in Ambient Air and Exhaust Gas; 气相色谱法同步测定环境空气和废气中甲醇正丁醇叔戊醇
The Gas Chromatography Simultaneous Determination of Carbinol,n-butyl Alcoholin and Amylene Alcohol in Ambient Air and Exhaust Gas; 气相色谱法同步测定环境空气和废气中甲醇正丁醇叔戊醇
Evaluation of Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons Pollutants by Gas Chromatography and Spectrophotometry; 气相色谱与紫外分光光度法评价石油烃类污染物的微生物降解过程

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