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He always tells the children the stories of the enchanter.

He always takes a wagon to carry his newspapers. 他总是用一辆板车装报纸。
He always takes a wine gourd. 他常带着一个酒葫芦。
He always takes an extreme view. 他总是持极端见解。
He always takes in Taiwan's Acrobats whenever they come to town. 每次台湾的特技表演到镇上时,他总是去看。
He always talks in such a way that everyone dislikes him. 他总是用这样得方式说话,所以每个人都讨厌他。
He always tells the children the stories of the enchanter. 他经常给孩子们讲魔法师的故事。
He always thinks of everything in terms of money. 他总是以钱的观点来考虑一切。
He always told us that he was too busy for recreation. 他总是对我们说他太忙,没空消遣。
He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season. 社交忙季过后他常去矿泉胜地帕尔疗养。
He always trate me as eyesore. 他总把我当作眼中钉。
He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。

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