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From the perspective of the development of literature itself, the declination of traditional verse after Yuan had been irreparable, and the efforts of later generations were fundamentally short of innovation.

From the perspective of origin and criterion,, the rules mainly include that the tool of finance and economics is the first motive of the legal system devlopment for government procurement; Keynes theory about country practice is the power; and the theory 仅就成因与规范而言,其规律表现为:财经政策工具是政府采购法制衍生的最初动因,凯恩斯理论之国家实践是政府采购法制的发展动力,新公共管理理论及实践标志着政府采购法律体系的形成。
From the perspective of semiotics, this paper expounds on the features and the inevitability of translators' subjectivity in the translation process and reveals the expression of translators' subjectivity through a comparative study of the two Chinese ver 本文从社会符号学角度论证了语际转换过程中译者主体地位的存在及其特徵,并从实例中更加详细地论证译者主体性的体现。
From the perspective of social development,the writers analyze the nature and characteristics of both traditional and modern doctor-patient relationship and suggest a basic thought about the coherent relation between doctors and patients.They hope to go b 本文从社会发展的视角,深入分析了传统型和现代型医患关系的性质、特征,提出了和谐医患关系的基本思路,希望通过“法治”与“德治”相结合的手段,“回归”医学的本源,建立一个“互为父母”的、和谐的医患关系。
From the perspective of social mobility, middle-stratum and lower-stratum within new-diddle-stratum tend to enter into an alliance with the lower-stratum of the society while the body of this stratum-managers, technicians, and private entrepreneurs-will p 从其社会流动特征看,内部的中、下层有可能与下层结盟;而三大主干群体-经理、专业技术人员及私营企业主阶层,则有可能会与上层缔结友好关系。
From the perspective of the debtor, from the moment the creditor-debtor relationship is established, all of the debtor's properties, which become the obligatory properties, are used to guarantee the effectiveness of the rights of the creditor. 从债务人的方面来讲,债的关系一经设定,债务人所有的财产即用来保证对方债权的实现,其财产即成所谓“责任财产”,构成所谓债的一般担保。
From the perspective of the development of literature itself, the declination of traditional verse after Yuan had been irreparable, and the efforts of later generations were fundamentally short of innovation. 从文学自身的发展规律来说,元以后的传统诗文已经呈现出不可挽回的颓势,后世的努力也缺乏根本意义上的创新。
From the perspective of the five customer perceived values, namely, the function value, societal value, emotional value, green value and perceived sacrifice, some marketing communication strategies are offered to enterprises and the government for compens 并从功能价值、社会价值、情感价值、绿色价值和感知付出等五个消费者感知价值角度出发,为企业和政府补偿绿色消费行为的外部性提出营销沟通方面的策略建议。
From the perspective of the relationship between human beings and natural environment, this paper analyzes the nature-related senses of smelling, hearing, vision, stomach and skin, which are referred to as the five types of nutritionfor human survival in 摘要从人与自然环境的关系出发,分析了人的呼(嗅)觉、听觉、视觉、胃觉、肤觉与自然发生联系的五个方面,并称之为人类在自然界生存所需的“五大营养”。
From the perspective of this SCM geek, distributed repositories are an attractive concept. 关于这个配置管理讨厌的看法,分布库是一个吸引人的概念。
From the perspectives of dance history, cultural discourse, body aesthetics and interdisciplinary collaboration, this series of lectures aims at exploring the interrelation as well as interaction between Lin Hwai-min’s dances and the times that have produ 本系列讲座从舞蹈史、文化论述、身体美学、跨领域合作的角度,深度解读林怀民的舞蹈美学及其与时代的互动。
From the perspectives of historical retrospection, national strategies and the overall planned developments, the present study brings forth a complete exposition to the said concept's meaning and function. 从历史追溯、国家战略和统筹发展的视角,对当前新农村建设的意义和作用进行了较为全面的阐述。

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