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A: Let me show you. This is the master bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. The view is delightful. The other two bedrooms are for children.

A: Let me examine your scalp. 我先来检查你的头皮。
A: Let me explain how it works. 让我解释一下这个方法是怎么进行的。
A: Let me get it straight. I don't like your script. 让我把话说清楚吧!我不喜欢你的剧本。
A: Let me introduce Chen to you. He is the new record holder of 100-metre-dash. 让我来给你介绍一下陈。他是百米记录的保持者。
A: Let me introduce myself: I'm tang lain, tang is my surname, but the Chinese put the surname first. 让我介绍一下:我是唐莲,唐是我的姓,中国人把姓放在前面.
A: Let me show you. This is the master bedroom with an adjoining bathroom. The view is delightful. The other two bedrooms are for children. 我带你去看。这是主人套房连浴室,景观非常好的,另外两个睡房是给小孩的。
A: Let's all chip in and get Jane a nice birthday gift! 我们一起出钱买个好一点的礼物给珍吧!
A: Let's call it a day. We've done enough today. 今天到此为止。我们今天做得够多了。
A: Let's calm down and try to find a good way. 大家都冷静一下,设法想个更好的解决办法。
A: Let's chip in and get Mary a TV for graduation. 我们一起出钱买台电视给玛莉当毕业礼物吧。
A: Let's drink to our successful cooperation. 为我们的合作成功干杯。

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