Much of tennis will be learned in the same way that you learned to walk.
因为你通过实践发展出了球感,那么复杂的技术将能够自动起作用。 |
Much of that cash, however, could be put to better use.
不过,这些现金中的大部分,可能流向更好的去处。 |
Much of that good feeling stemmed from a meeting between head coach George Karl and star player Carmelo Anthony prior to Sunday's win in Sacramento.
这个不错的势头,源于上周日掘金对国王那场胜仗之前,小甜瓜和教练卡尔之间的碰头。 |
Much of that money seeps back into the economy, further oiling the expansion.
而其中大部分的外汇资金又流回到经济中,为过热火上浇油。 |
Much of that will come from hydroelectric power.
而这10%的大部分将来自水力发电。 |
Much of that wouldn't do for you Jerry!
他说:“这消息真是奇怪透顶,它对你可太不利了,杰瑞! |
Much of the hypeconcerning affiliate programs centers on the anonymity of the web, and that you won't have to have a face to facerelationship with your potential clients.
很多弹出式广告都会向你推介一些匿名网站的会员注册程序,这样的话,你就无须与你的潜在客户建立一个“面对面”的关系。 |
Much of the reformimperative pursued by Australia governments has shifted the cost burden from the public to private purses.
澳大利亚政府追寻的大量“改革”的必要性已经把费用负担从公共转到私人的腰包。 |
Much of the $100 million given to the community by Olympic organizers is being used to maintain facilities such as the speed skating rink and ski jump platforms.
奥运会组织人员拨给社区的一亿美金中的大部分用来维护速滑溜冰场和滑雪跳台这些设施。 |
Much of the Deep South is still getting snow, sleet, and rain.
许多南部地区仍然遭受着大雪,冰雨和大雨中。 |
Much of the Downing Street website is informative and serious.
唐宁街网站的大多内容是有足够信息量而且严肃的。 |