KZ series Automatic Strapping Machine has been used for the strapping of packages in a wide range of all kinds of fields.It can be operated separately or combined into packaging line.
简要说明:KZ系列自动捆扎机可广泛用于各行业进行各类包件的捆扎.可单机捆扎,亦可多机安装在包装线上使用. |
KZB series automatic strapping machine tades polyethylene pleatic band ad the strapping material and is used for commericial.postal.railway,bank,food medical,publications issuing etc.Industries to pack and strap cartons,wood boxes,paper packages.wicker ca
KZB系列自动捆扎机是以聚乙稀塑料为捆扎机材料,主要用于商业、邮政、铁路、银行、食品、医药、书刊发行等行业的纸箱、木箱、纸包件、柳编箱、布包件的包装捆扎。 |
KZK,GZK designate respectively torque limit switches in open and close direction.
KZK和GZK分别为转矩开向、关向控制开关。 |
K\'ung Yu was perplexed.
孔玉很不解。 |
Ka Lahui: Hawaiian Independence Day - The Kingdom of Hawaii is officially recognized by the United Kingdom and France as an independent nation.
1843年,卡·拉会日:夏威夷独立日——夏威夷王国正式被英国和法国承认为一个独立国家。 |
Ka de Club has been forced to change location three times in two years and now operates under a different name.
卡迪俱乐部在两年内被迫3次搬家,目前已更换了经营名称。 |
Ka me, ka thee- it is a proverb all over the world.
你帮我,我帮你——这是举世皆知的一句谚语。 |
KaErJia Stone Co.,Ltd,Xiamen is invested and solely owned by Japanese company S.I.C.
公司说明:厦门咖尔佳石业有限公司是享有自营进出口权的综合石材制品加工的企业。 |
Kaas, J. H. Plasticity of Sensory and Motor Maps in Adult Mammals.Annu. Rev. of Neurosci. 14 (1991): 137-67.
成熟的哺乳动物在感觉和运动定位的可塑性〉《神经科学年度评论》14(1991):137-67. |
Kabala is one of many tools that are helping people understand the current transition.
卡巴拉是正帮助人们理解目前转变的许多工具之一。 |
Kabaw power amplifier series for KTV cabins, a conference room, gym and mini-malls and other places.
卡包功放系列适用于KTV包房、会议室、健身房和小型商场等场所。 |