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The 70 million-year-old fossils of the carnivore would have rested for millenniums at the bottom of an Antarctic sea, while remains of the 100-foot-long herbivore were found on the top of a mountain.

The 7 am express to Bristol will be taken off next month. 上午7时开往布里斯托尔的快车将于下月停驶.
The 7 astronauts inspected the craft this afternoon. 今天下午7个宇航员已经检查了该架太空飞机。
The 7) solution to the problem is getting braces (often after 8) removing a tooth or two to 9) create space). 解决这个问题的办法就是戴牙套(通常会先拔掉一、二颗牙齿以腾出空间)。
The 7-inch (18-centimeter) creature is not a serpent at all, but actually a completely new species of limbless lizard, said Sushil Kumar Dutta of North Orissa University. 也许它看上去就像是一条蛇,生活方式也和蛇一样。但是这个近日在印度发现的小爬虫却是一个与蛇完全不同的东西。一位印度动物学家今日宣称。
The 7.2% decline came a year after a big federal study linked menopause hormones to higher risk of breast cancer. .这下降了7.2%的结论是在一份对绝经期产生的激素与乳腺癌高发(病)率之间的联系的大范围调查后一年而得来的.
The 70 million-year-old fossils of the carnivore would have rested for millenniums at the bottom of an Antarctic sea, while remains of the 100-foot-long herbivore were found on the top of a mountain. 这具食肉恐龙化石距今已有七千万年,它被埋藏在南极海底数千年,另一具身长100英尺的食草恐龙遗骸是在一座山顶上发现的。
The 70-year-old continued to criticise the state of calcio by insisting that the game had done nothing to purge itself of corruption since last summer's events. 这位70岁的老者继续指责足协去年夏天的做法根本没有改变足球运动的腐败问题。
The 70-year-old shares traits of both utilitarian and prankster. 这位70岁的发明家集实用与搞怪于一身。
The 70km coastline features Australia's largest expanse of calm water. 外面的世界真的很精彩吗?
The 70th anniversary of the Rape of Nanking is this December. 2007年12月,南京大屠杀发生70周年了。
The 72-year-old herdsman Laqiong is living on the Pagri Highland which is 4,800 meters above sea level. 72岁的牧民拉琼就生活在帕里镇西边海拔4800米左右的帕里高原上。

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