The findings seem to contradict the sensual images that saturate the ads in female magazines. It seems they missed the mark here,said Jon Morris, one of the co-authors.
这些研究结果似乎跟充斥于女性杂志中的各种性感广告相矛盾。研究报告的撰写者之一乔恩·莫里斯说:“他们可能忽视了这一点。” |
The findings seem to dash the hopes of Blair's advisors that he should go with the crowds wanting more.
这些民调结果似乎会让那些认为布莱尔应“继续为民众谋福利”的执政顾问的希望破灭。 |
The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns.
研究结果表明在农村的人大脑收缩基本上比城市里的人要早。 |
The findings showed that for them trait can serve as a basis for making mental inferences: infants' familiarity with trait was remarkably promoted with age, so did their ability to make inferences, however, there is lack of sufficient evidence that they f
结果表明,幼儿具有一定的以特质为基础的推理能力;随著年龄的增长,幼儿对以特质为基础的推理能力也在逐渐增强,但缺乏充分证据断定他们已经完全理解了心理特质。 |
The findings shows that nutritional growth of rice is mainly affected by effective accumulated temperatures, an accumulated temperature of 15~25℃ and sunshine time.
结果表明,水稻营养生长主要受有效积温、15~25℃积温和日照时数的影响。 |
The findings suggest that a heavier weight in middle age may mean a higher risk of dementia later in life.
研究发现,体重偏大的中年人今后患老年痴呆症的可能性较大。 |
The findings suggest that there may be worker health repercussions as the result of current trends in the U.S. labor market, such as outsourcing, downsizing and the increase in nonstandard jobs with reduced hours and benefits.
该研究报告分析说,造成上班族健康状况出现如此变化的原因或许在于美国劳动力市场眼下日渐流行的几种做法,比如通过外购来获得更多的服务或产品,企业规模缩小以及那种工作时间及福利待遇均大打折扣的非标准就业岗位的大幅度增加等。 |
The findings suggested that the Exam Preparation Anxiety Scale included two factors, pre-exam worry and pre-exam emotionality, which constituted two subscales and the On-exam Anxiety Scale included one factor, testing anxiety; the Exam Preparation and On-
研究结果发现,「试前准备期焦虑量表」可分为「试前焦虑」和「试前情绪性」两因素,而「考试当下焦虑量表」则为一「临场焦虑」因素,此三个因素所构成的分量表均具有良好的信度。 |
The findings surprised even sex educators.
这一调查结果甚至让性教育者们大吃一惊。 |
The findings were presented at the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) annual meeting.
这些发现是在国际捕鲸委员会届年会上发表的。 |
The findings were presented to the Experimental Biology conference in Washington, DC, and the research was partfunded by the National Institutes of Health.
这些研究结果在华盛顿实验生物学研讨会上公布。此项研究的部分资金由国立卫生研究院提供。 |