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CCBA and the Chinese-American Voters Federation held the first preparation meeting for the Democratic Mayoral Candidates Debate on May 2nd.

CCA is an authorized guild approved by National Civil Administration Department. 中国烹饪协会是经国家民政部门正式批准成立的全国餐饮业行业协会。
CCAF 2005 prepares multifarious activities, which are closely linked and all the activities would be extremely attractive. 2005长沙卡通艺术节活动设置多元化,版块衔接紧凑,活动亮点突出。
CCASS Settlement Handling Fee: 股份交收费:
CCBA and American Red Cross will continue to provide more programs, seminars and trainings for the Chinese-American neighborhoods. 中华公所与红十字会将继续在各华人聚居地区举办各类型活动、讲座和训练。
CCBA and Councilman John Liu's office hosted a press conference and asked people to go to a rally against TV Channel Eleven at 1:30PM on February 4, 2007. 中华公所与刘醇逸市议员办公室召开记者招待会,号召侨胞在二月四日下午一时半,到十一号电视台抗议该台讹称某华人餐馆以鼠肉充鸡肉一事。
CCBA and the Chinese-American Voters Federation held the first preparation meeting for the Democratic Mayoral Candidates Debate on May 2nd. 中华公所和华裔选民联盟召开会议,决定于五月二日举行民主党市长候选人政见发布会。
CCBA hosted the annual Double Ten National Day Celebration for the Republic of China. Please click here to see the pictures of the event. 纽约中华公所举办一年一度中华民国双十国庆庆祝活动,包括国庆酒会、大游行及餐会。按这??浏览该项活动照片库。
CCBA referred Wai-Lin Eng-Lee and Po Ling Ng to accept the honor this year. 本年度中华公所分别推荐李伍惠莲和伍宝玲接受该崇高荣誉。
CCD star sensor with a high accurary and precise mathematical model of starlight passing through the upper atmosphere is used to indirectly sense ths earth horizon, such that the attitude and orbit of the satellite can be accurately determine. 这种导航方案利用高精度的CCD星敏感器,结合星光穿越大气的较精确的数学模型,来间接敏感地平,从而实现对卫星的精确定位和定姿。
CCEC/T17-2002 receivers,Technical specifications for energy conservation product certification for color television broadcasting[S]. 彩色电视广播接收机能效限定值及节能评价值[S].
CCF has its strong affiliations with North Texas Chinese Church who is strongly focused on discipleship training. 北德华人基督徒团契与注重门徒训练的北德华人教会有密切的联系关系。

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