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At the same time, image distortion is corrected by polynomial to handle expediently and the method of selecting reference points and the factor of influencing precision is discussed.

At the same time, however, the boomers' ageing will create problems for America. 但是,这一代人的变老同时会给美国带来问题。
At the same time, however, the propensity to choose someone with slightly similar genes can also avoid the problem of outbreeding - the mixing of genes that are too different. 然而,与此同时,选择稍微相似基因的人为配偶也能避免远系繁殖___差异太大的基因组合问题。
At the same time, however, there has been an unexpected rise in the incidence of a new class of diseases involving the esophagus. 然而与此同时,有另外一类食道方面的新型疾病,罹病率却意外激增。
At the same time, however, there is a growing uneasiness about their products. 但是同时对它们的产品——大学毕业生又愈来愈感到不安。
At the same time, if you understand the type of person coming to your website and you can deliver to them items that they really want and need, you're going to get a repeat customer. 同时,如果你知道访问者的类型,你就可以为他们提供所需要的工具或者满足他们的其它需求,这样一来,你就会拥有回头客。
At the same time, image distortion is corrected by polynomial to handle expediently and the method of selecting reference points and the factor of influencing precision is discussed. 为了提高测量的易用性,标定过程中采用多项式来校正图像的畸变,并讨论了控制点的选取方法和影响标定精度的因素。
At the same time, in order to decrease the break and hollow occurred in machining process, a new method named machining tool-path interactive modification and optimization based on NURBS have been provided for the complicated surface panel and fast-respon 本文介绍了金属板材数控渐进成形技术的过程、原理,同时,主要针对加工过程中发生的破裂、凹陷等缺陷,提出了一种基于NURBS的加工轨迹人机交互修改和优化的方法,解决了复杂曲面零件无法加工的难题,实现了金属板材数控渐进成形加工过程的快速响应。
At the same time, in order to maintain good fabrication quality, shorten the process time and meet the required due date, it is absolutely necessary to have good rework strategies for wafer rework so as to make up the wafer defects in the photolithography 为了顾及生产中在制品水平量、产品生産流程时间、产品交期等目标,必须要有良好的再加工策略处理晶圆的再加工。
At the same time, in order to meet customers' requirements and provide high quality products and service, we continually try our best to improve staffs' diathesis through all kinds of training. 在把好质量关的同时,我们也将不断地努力通过各种培训,提高公司员工的素质,为国内、外客户提供更优质的产品和服务,不断满足客户的要求。
At the same time, in order to reach a double-winning effect in protecting environment and promoting economic development, the principle of benefit measure should be applied to the specific responsibilities in eliminating danger. 同时,对排除危害各具体责任的适用,应运用利益衡量原则,以取得保护环境和促进经济发展双赢之效果。
At the same time, in the short run the speed of adjustment of the relationship between EU's direct investment in China and China's import and export to EU from short-term disequilibrium to long-term equilibrium is very quick. 同时,从短期看来,欧盟对华直接投资与中国对欧盟进出口的关系由短期偏离向长期均衡调整的速度很快。

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