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Any change of ownership to the lease item does not affect the validity of the leasing contract.

Any cessation of the patent right shall be registered and announced by the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council . 专利权在期限届满前终止的,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。
Any challenging activity that initially requires only 5 percent of his mind can assist him in forgetting his problems and becoming unstuck. 任何只需百分之五心神的挑战性活动,都能帮助他暂时忘记他的问题和脱离洞穴。
Any chance of get ahead in your job? 干你这份工作有机会获得提升吗?
Any chance to scrape up a small quantity. 有没有可能稍许凑一点数量。
Any change in the spelling of an available name other than a mandatory change or an emendation [Art. 33.3]. 除了强制性的改变或一项修正之外,对一适用名称的拼法所作的任何改变均称之[第33条3]。
Any change of ownership to the lease item does not affect the validity of the leasing contract. 第二百二十九条租赁物在租赁期间发生所有权变动的,不影响租赁合同的效力。
Any change of the name, addre , fax and telex number and postal code given in the preamble of this Agreement shall be immediately communicated to the Commi ion and the other party. 第七条本协议前言中所列名称、地址、传真号、电传号和邮政编码如有变更,应立即通知中国海事仲裁委员会和对方。
Any change of the name, address, fax and telex number and postal code given in the preamble of this Agreement shall be immediately communicated to the Commission and the other party. 第七条本协议前言中所列名称、地址、传真号、电传号和邮政编码如有变更,应立即通知中国海事仲裁委员会和对方。
Any change to Educator pricing will be announced through the Blog. 针对教育家的价格如果有所改变会在官方博客上另行通知。
Any changes to the plan as defined in the protocol should be documented with appropriate justification. 在该计划中定义的任何变更都应该有书面记录,并应有合理的解释。
Any character in a character set, excluding non-alphabetic characters (such as the copyright symbol, or a block graphics symbol, for example). 标准字符:字符集中的任意字符,除去非字母字符(如版权标识或者块标志)。

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