After he was in prison for five years, he was set free at last.
在监狱中度过了五年以后,他终于获得了释放。 |
After he woke up, Du told his family never to kill another animal. He began donating money to free doomed animals.
杜醒来后,告诉他的家人再也不要杀生了。他开始买动物放生。 |
After he's bitten by a beetle carrying a zombie virus, a tough soldier survives the infection, becoming only half zombie.
一名士兵在被带有丧尸病毒的甲虫咬了后,坚强的他幸存下来,变成半个丧尸。 |
After heard that I worked in Geology team, my friends and relations always asked me confusedly “what are your colleagues and you do everyday?
我的朋友和亲戚在知道我在地质队工作以后经常很迷惑的问我:“你和你的同事们每天都在干什么? |
After hearing a report from the venue organisers, Xie stressed that the Final Draw will mark the beginning of full-scale final preparations for the FIFA Women's World Cup that runs from 10 to 30 September.
他们直接讨论目前的工作,在听取了当地组织者的报告后,谢强调抽签仪式标志着9月10日-30日举行的国际足联女足世界杯比赛全部准备工作的最终呈现的开始。 |
After hearing about this mousse in Instyle as one of their great products, I decided to try this and it really does live up to my expectations.
翻译如下;当我听说这个产品系列中的定型摩丝以后,我决定试试这个产品,它的表现也真是我想象的那种。 |
After hearing endless stories during his incarceration of Nicks romantic correspondence to a woman named Ashley he has never met (Charlize Theron), Rudy is looking forward to returning to his family and having a fresh cup of hot chocolate.
在听过尼克讲的无数与一个叫做阿什莉的从未谋面的女子书信往来的故事之后,鲁迪期待着回到他日夜思念的家,并在温暖的家中喝一杯热腾腾的咖啡。 |
After hearing from soldiers wounded and frustrated with care, and on the day when President Bush announced bipartisan inquiry into military care.
同时美国总统布什宣布对军队医疗进行两党联合调查。 |
After hearing her talk on computers I'm afraid I'm none the wiser.
我听了她关於计算机的讲话之後似乎毫无收获。 |
After hearing of opposition reluctance to convene an extraordinary session, Minister of Economic Affairs He Mei-yue hurried to the Legislature at noon Wednesday to shore up her support within the DPP.
立法院九月份就要开议,在野党反对八月底前召开临时会的态度强硬,经济部长何美玥听到后很著急,赶在中午拜会民进党团争取支持。 |
After hearing our probation disk,the record company are going to see us.
唱片公司的人听过我们的试听带,现在想见我们. |