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The caravans of Tema looked, The travelers of Sheba hoped for them.

The brain's response to the injury determines the time of return and playing and must be clinically assessed by the club medical officer or a specialist neurosurgeon/neurologist. “大脑对于受伤的反应决定了回到赛场的时间必须经过队医的或者专业的神经科医生的评估。”
The breaker goes up before them; They break out, pass through the gate and go out by it. 弥2:13开路的〔或作破城的〕在他们前面上去.他们直闯过城门、从城门出去.他们的王在前面行、耶和华引导他们。
The breakup and sinking of the Titanic has never been accurately depicted,said Parks Stephenson, a Titanic historian who took part in Monday's conference. 参加周一研讨会的泰坦尼克号历史学帕克斯·史蒂文森说,“‘泰坦尼克号’的断裂和下沉过程从来没有被精确的描述过”。
The calf went to its mother and started suckling for about three minutes, then the lioness ran toward them and the mother oryx ran away. 小羚羊走到它母亲的身边,开始吮吸乳汁,大概过了三分钟,母狮子朝它们走去,羚羊妈妈就被吓跑了。
The camera ships with a 16 MB card.That works for most people, but pros find they need more. “这架相机装有一张16兆比特的卡。对大多数人来说这也够了,但专业人士需要更大的内存。”
The caravans of Tema looked, The travelers of Sheba hoped for them. 伯6:19提玛结伴的客旅瞻望、示巴同夥的人等候。
The cat looks like Lily's hat. “这只猫看起来像莉莉的帽子。”
The chance of people taking the ads directly into their hands is very high this way,said Takako Maruyama, a spokeswoman at public relations firm Sunny Side Up. 据路透社2月1日报道,这家拉面公司的广告负责人称:“此种方式可以使得顾客们极有可能在第一时间便注意到这则广告。”
The changes were made consciously of the situation. If I played this afternoon the same team I played against Liverpool, nobody can tell me it would be better. “阵容的变化是随着实际情况而变化的,如果今天下午我在对阵利物浦时也派上这样的阵容,没有人会觉得这个改变会更好。”
The charity work is at the crux of being a musician,Leehom said. Being a public figure, you've got to sway the spotlight. “作为一个音乐人,做慈善事业是很关键的,”力宏说,“作为一个公众人物,你会影响到别人的举动”。
The charm of Bermuda is challenged all the time, but good sense rather than raging avarice saves the day,he added. 他补充说:“百慕大的魅力始终在经受考验,但明智的判断战胜了疯狂的贪婪,从而使百慕大魅力永存!”

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