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Has your young sister read the table of contents of that book?

Has your lawyer drawn up the contract yet? 你的律师是否起草好了合同?
Has your mother spoken to Arthur? 你母亲同亚瑟谈过了吗?
Has your peaceful nature led you on a crusade? 和平的天性,是否已令你投向圣战?
Has your roof a sharp slant? 你的屋顶是否有一个陡峭的斜面?
Has your urine ever been cloudy or bloody? 你的尿液有过混浊或血样颜色吗?
Has your young sister read the table of contents of that book? (你妹妹阅读过那本书的目录栏了吗?)
Has zero resistance when closed. 闭合时具有零电阻。
Has, the environmental protection highly effective, facile, may cut 0 □45 many kinds of angles, precise, the economy, the service life is long and so on the superior characteristic; Cuts the technology and the equipment for on the present international mo 具有高效、环保、轻便、可切割0度—45度多种角度、精确、经济、使用寿命长等优特点;为目前国际上最先进的手动瓷砖切割技术和设备,是新世纪环保型产品。
Hasanything gone wrong with the machine ? 机器出什么毛病了吗?
Hase K, Ohsugi M, Xiong Q, et al. Hepatoprotective effect of Hovenia dulcis THUNB. on experimental liver injuries induced by carbon tetrachloride or D -galactosamine/lipopolysaccharide [ J ]. Biol. Pharm.Bull, 1997,20(4) :381 - 385. 嵇扬,张润婕,王亚南.枳椇子水提取液对氨基半乳糖致原代培养大鼠肝细胞损伤的保护作用[J].中草药,2001增刊.
Hashimoto S,Setaeh M,Ochs RL,et al.Fas/Fas ligand expression and induction of apoptosis in chondrocytes[J]. Arthritis Rheum,1997,40:1 749-1 755. 胡建华,黄公怡.骨生关节炎与软骨细胞凋亡的关系[J].中华实验外科杂志2000,17(6)594-595.

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