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Extras: Computers, Business, English, After-class Athletics, Music, and many other clubs for students to join.

Extrapolate out about a million years (just a blink on an evolutionary timescale and therefore a realistic estimate of how far advanced ETIs will be), and we get a gut-wrenching, mind-warping feel for how godlike these creatures would seem. 再向未来推算约100万年(在演化的时间尺度上只不过是一眨眼,也因而算是对ETI先进程度的合理估算),我们不得不万般痛苦地承认:那些生物的形象,就如同上帝一般。
Extrapolating backward, it was born rotating once every 20 milliseconds. 因此回溯到它刚诞生的时候,自转周期应是20毫秒。
Extrapolation anticipates the rate of technological progress on some occasions, but when it fails to do so it can fail spectacularly. 推论在某些场合能预言技术进步的速度,但当它做不到时,它可能会失败得很惨。
Extrapolation is always risky, but there seems every chance that the relative weight of the new pretenders will rise. 推断总是不那么准确,但是看起来很有可能的是,这些新冒险者的相对比重将会上升。
Extras calls were made in the NZ main cities of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch over a period of two weeks. 此广告在纽西兰的主要城市奥克兰、惠灵顿和基督城刊登了两周。
Extras: Computers, Business, English, After-class Athletics, Music, and many other clubs for students to join. 另额外提供电脑课、商业英文、课后运动、音乐、哲学俱乐部、学生政府、新闻俱乐部等。
Extraterrestrial Economics in Mars is to explain and predict the behaviour of Marsian. 相信在不久的将来,地球上会出现一个火星来的经济学家!
Extraterrestrial abductions are often reported in the same family - or bloodline - generation after generation. 在同一个家族-或血统里经常报道地外诱拐-一代又一代.
Extratropical Southern Hemisphere Cyclones: Harbingers of Climate Change?. 南半球温带气旋:气候变化的先兆?
Extravagance and overindulgence are not a cure if you're feeling sorry for yourself. 如果自己感觉不爽那么纵容自己并不是个好办法。
Extravagance ate up his inheritance. 奢侈耗尽了他所得之遗产。

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