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93 Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.

925 sterling silver drop clip earrings with faceted clear crystal. 925副英镑银色下落夹子耳环与在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶。
925 sterling silver link bracelet with 3 faceted clear crystals; toggle closure. 925英镑银色链接镯子与3在清楚水晶上雕琢平面;乒乓键关闭。
93 Beside the stream is a still deep pool of crystal clear water. 在小溪的旁边有一个平静深沉的池塘,里面充满了清澈的水。
93 Correctly handle the relationship between primary,secondary and tertiary industries. 正确处理第一,二,三产业的关系.
93 There is an equipment in front of the building.(behind the water tower, under the pipe rack, on the floor, inside the steel structure, in the workshop). 在建筑物前面(在水塔后面、在管廊下面、在地面上、在钢结构里面、在车间内)有一台设备。
93 Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare. 没有行动得远志只是白日梦;没有远志得行动只是恶梦。
93012 Nike Remora III Goggle is a performance racing goggle, anti-fog shatterproof polycarbonate lenses, UV protection, neoprene and plastic gasket, three sizes of nose piece, double silicone head strap. 专业游泳泳镜,防碎的聚碳酸酯纤维,防紫外线,氯丁胶和塑料垫圈,有3个鼻桥供您更换,双重硅胶泳镜带.
933D has dual function of tweezers and soldering pen. Tweezers is used for soldering tiny component in a dense circuit board to avoid affecting the components nearby. 933D有镊子及烙铁双功能,镊子适合焊接密集线路板上的细小组件,絶不泱及附近组件。
94 Our policy is not to grant exclusivity. 我们的方针是不授与专卖权。
94 The tickets for this flight have been sold out;we can put you on standby. 该航班的票已经收完了,我们可将您列为候补。
94 What is the gate number? 登机门是几号?

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