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Spermatozoon Ultrastructure of Scapharca subcrenata and Barbatia virescens and Its Implications for Evolutionary Relationship in Arcidae

Andvances in Transgenic Plant Vaccines 转基因植物疫苗研究进展
Tissue engineering to reconstruct corneal epithelium on amniotic membrane 构建组织工程化羊膜角膜上皮植片的研究进展
Analysis for the Origin of Ginkgo Population in Tianmu Mountain 天目山银杏种群起源分析
Quality Assessment of Radix Sophorae Tonkinensis by RP-HPLC RP-HPLC法评价山豆根药材质量
Spectroscopic Studies on pH-induced Changes in Secondary Structure of Pophenol Oxidase from Tobacco pH诱导烟草多酚氧化酶二级结构变化的光谱学研究
Spermatozoon Ultrastructure of Scapharca subcrenata and Barbatia virescens and Its Implications for Evolutionary Relationship in Arcidae 毛蚶与青蚶精子超微结构及其所反映的蚶科进化关系
Caloric values of propagules and leaves at the different development stages of mangrove species at Futian, Shenzhen 深圳福田几种红树植物繁殖体与不同发育阶段叶片热值研究
Effects of Ambient Noise on the Vocal Frequency of Chinese Bulbuls,Pycnonotus sinensis in Lin’an and Fuyang Citiy 环境噪声对临安和阜阳两地白头鹎鸣声频率的影响
Contamination Reason and its Control Measure in Plant Tissue Culture 植物组织培养过程中的污染原因及控制措施
Culture and identification of retinal ganglion cells in Long Evans rats Long Evans大鼠视网膜神经节细胞培养与鉴定
Osteoblastic-like cell culture with modified method of mixed enzymatic digestion 改良组织块混合酶消化法成骨样细胞培养

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