Restriction on entry and departure: All vessels may pass through the North Channel , and the vessels of less than 3000 gross tonnage or vessels with drafts less than 7 meters may also pass through the East Channel when entering or leaving this port.
进出港限制:一切中外籍船舶均可经北水道进出烟台港;3000总吨以下或吃水小于7米的船舶亦可经东水道进出烟台港。 |
Restriction: You cannot change the value of MAXEXTENTS for an object that resides in a locally managed tablespace.
限制:你不可以改变本地表空间的对象的maxextents的值。 |
Restrictions may be difficult for you to live with, but try to do things by the book.
生活中的限制让你很难适应,尝试多看一些书。 |
Restrictions on non-price advertising also may be illegal if the evidence shows the restrictions have anticompetitive effects and lack reasonable business justification.
对非价格广告的限制亦有可能是非法的,只要有证据表明这种限制有反竞争性的影响同时又没有正当的商事抗辩理由。 |
Restrictions on price advertising can be illegal if they deprive consumers of important information.
价格广告方面的限制若是剥夺了消费者需要的一些重要信息就是非法的。 |
Restrictions on public smoking gained momentum after non-smokers learned about the dangers of secondhand smoke.
不吸烟人士在了解了被动吸烟的危害之后,禁止在公共场所吸烟便成了一种趋势。 |
Restrictive legislation in the 1920s and the Great Depression of the 1930s reduced the influx to a trickle.
但1920年代的严格立法与1930年代的经济大萧条,使得进入美国的移民大量减少。 |
RestrictiveA situation that limits a company from selecting different ways of performing a task.
限制性对公司针对一项任务选择各种不同的方法来完成的行为提出限制的情形。 |
Restructure and expend the company, increase productivity and further improve product quality to a higher level.
对企业进行改扩建,进一步提高产品质量,上规模、上档次。 |
Restructuring property rights means not only creating the formal rules but creating and implementating a judicial system that will impartially enforce such rules.
重新构建产权意味着不仅创造正式规则,而且要创造作为补充的司法体系以公正的实施此类规则。 |
Resuits Both the professional and lay groups agreed that the profiles found most acceptable were the balanced or normalpattern followed by the flatteror bimaxillary retrusion in the Chinese male, and the anterior divergentor maxillary deficiency in the Ch
研究发现牙齿后缩而骨骼型协调的男性与上颌后缩而余无异常的女性同“双牙弓前突”的正常型具有同样的吸引力。 |