Approved by the Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California.
通过位于美国南加州大学内的美国交叉连接控制和水利研究基金会的认证。 |
Approved by the MOFCOM, the enterprises engaged in foreign labor cooperation service systematically organize labor force according to the requirements of foreign governments and the demands of foreign employers.
由经商务部批准的对外劳务合作企业根据输入国政府的批准和雇主的需求,有组织地选派劳务人员出国提供服务。 |
Approved by the RI Board after authorization by the 2001 Council on Legislation, the project allows participating clubs to relax some rules, an experiment aimed at attracting younger busy leaders.
国际扶轮理事会获得2001年立法会议授权,批准这项计划后,让参与试办计划的扶轮社得以松绑某些规则,以吸引较年轻、忙碌的领袖人物。 |
Approved by the State Council of PRC, BOC will be converted from a wholly state-owned commercial bank to a joint-stock bank controlled by the State and be renamed to Bank of China Limited on August 26, 2004.
经中国政府批准,中国银行于2004年8月26日由国有独资商业银行整体改制为国家控股的股份制商业银行,名称为中国银行股份有限公司,简称为中国银行。 |
Approved by the foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California, Manual Section 10.
通过位于美国南加州大学内的美国交叉连接管理和水研究基金会和手册第10节的认证。 |
Approved by: Date (Y/M/D):??
签署人:签署日期:年月日?? |
Approved feasibility study report and arrangement of the fund needed.
(四)经批准的可行性研究报告及资金落实情况。 |
Approving the renewal of import restrictions contained in the Burmese Freedom and Democracy Act of 2003, and for other purposes.
251二00三年缅甸自由及民主法之进口限制及其他目的之同意更新。 |
Approx. 3 hours at 20℃, longer at lower temperatures.
3小时(20℃时),且随环境温度升高而缩短。 |
Approximately 1% Epitropic fibre prevents discomfort from static in everyday clothing and carpets.
在每件衣物或地毯中大约1%的导电纤维能够消除由静电引起的不适。 |
Approximately 1% of Epitropic fibre prevents discomfort from static in everyday clothing and carpets.
每件衣物或地毯中加入大约1%的导电纤维可以消除由于静电而引起的不适感。 |