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This periodical carries a biased report on China.

This period of history saw the development of the fundamentals of our civilization: animal domestication, agriculture, pottery, controllable fire (kilns), smelting, to name but a few. 这段历史时期显示了人类文明发展的基础:动物的驯化,农业,陶器,用火(炉,窑),熔炼,等等。
This period preceded the era of iron ships and steam, and both ship material and the power source of ships10 remained unchanged. 由于铁制轮船与蒸汽船的时代尚未到来,所以造船材料与轮船动力没有改变。
This period was one the warmest on record. 这一时期是现存记录中气候最温暖的时期之一。
This period was the hightide of Romanticism. 这是浪漫主义的颠峰时期。
This period, emphasizing creative spirit and humanistic ideals, is the golden age of English literature. 这个时代强调的是创造精神与人文主义理想,也是英国文学的黄金时代。
This periodical carries a biased report on China. 这本期刊登了一篇对中国有偏见的报道。
This permits precise comparison of data from the same slice plane taken from different image types or different time points. 这样就可以通过不同成像方式及不同时间来精确地比较同一扫描平面的变化。
This permitted him to make a fast buck. My friend made some quick easy money dishonestly. 这让他很快赚取钱。我的朋友用不诚实的方法轻松快速地赚钱。
This permitted him to make a fast buck. My friend makes it some quick easy money dishonestly. 这让他赚了一大笔。我的朋友靠着不正当的手段赚了一笔又快又轻松的黑钱。
This person can be the Official Receiver or anyone with suitable experience and qualifications in the opinion of the Court. 代名人可由破产管理署署长或一位法庭认为有合适经验和资格执行有关职务的人士担任。
This person is likely to be involved with someone else and not likely to appreciate your advances. 这个人或许已经在和别人交往,对你的出现并不感冒哦。

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