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So foible staff room only innovate and develop with stalk specialty, and the alumni may become advanced talents with synthesis ability and qualitative.

So I attempt to study on it. 本文试图对此问题作尝试性的探讨。
So IETF works out mobile IPv. MIPv uses the characteristic and auspice for mobile in IPv, its address is 8 bit instead of , and it can distribute every host a global IP, and mobile host can keep connection with Internet when it is moving. MIPv充分利用了IPv的特点和对移动性的支持,用 8位地址代替MIPv的 位地址,能为近乎数量无限的连网系统分配独立的IP地址,并能保证移动用户在网络间移动时保持与Internet连接。
So IPSec must be reapply to IPV. Microsoft and Cisco Systems Inc have opened out the IPSec and correlative serice in Windows 000. But unluckily, the Linux kernel with the editions except those issued in North America does not sustain IPSec. 共同开发了Windows 0 0 0中的IPSec和相关的服务 . 但是不幸的是 ,北美地区以外的Linux发布版本的内核均不支持IPSec.
So advocates, who assert that history has terminated, rebuke Marx' s theory as fancy and impractical one. 因此,马克思理论常常被宣称“历史的终结”的现代性鼓吹者指责为空想和不切实际。
So did the GSTM(-) and smoking on the elevated susceptibility to lung cancer, the significantly higher risk of lung cancer had also been found in those smokers who carried with GSTM(-) (OR=7. , 9% CI= . 9--.0, χ = .708,P=0.000). GSTM(-)与吸烟关系的协同分析中也发现,携带GSTM(-)的吸烟者患肺癌的风险显著增加(OR=7. ,9%CI为 . 9~.0,χ= .708,P=0.000)。
So foible staff room only innovate and develop with stalk specialty, and the alumni may become advanced talents with synthesis ability and qualitative. 因此,只有弱势教研室积极改革并与主干专业配套发展,其专业毕业生才可能成为具有综合素质和能力的高级人才。
So in7biovarpositive cases of FSW group,there were7mixed infections( .9%)andsimple infections(7.%). 性罪错组中混合感染7例( .9%),单纯感染例(7.%);
So it is actually that there are only two species of the genus Odentoschisma in China on the basis of litera- ture citations. In the present study, we discovered that O. sphagni (Dicks. ) 该属在中国有 种,O.denudatum(Nees)Dum.,O.grosseverrucosum Steph,O.sphagni(Dicks.)Dum,其中O.sphagni(Dicks.)Dum.为首次在中国发现。
So it can avoid brutal price competition effectively and guide the oligopoly enterprises how to implement the pricing strategy positively. 从而能够有效地避免“价格战”及其所导致的寡头企业的恶性竞争,对寡头企业如何实施产品定价策略具有重要意义。
So it is believed that the main reason caused the pistil abortion of Baihuashanbitao is ovule abortion and the abortion period is started at the initial stage of the sex cell differentiation. 从而可以确定白花山碧桃雌蕊败育的主要原因是胚珠败育,其败育的起始时期为性细胞分化初期。
So it is not objective to ascribe the negative effects in economic development to the defects in GDP. 因此,把经济发展中出现的负面效应归咎于GDP的观点是有失偏颇的。

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