The simple number dish and rotary stitch regulater make the needle stitch under controlled easily, quick back - stitch by push the back - stitch plate.
采用简易标数盘旋转式之缝目调节器,能贫下中农缝目之大小更易于控制。回缝时仅须将回针一压即可。 |
The simple oil lamp lights at long night, illuminating the very inner-most of a searching heart, it does not only keep the wan night but also tacitly gives light to the lofty ideal of great creation work, ready to break through the darkness before dawn.
朴质的油灯,点燃于长夜,明丽于求索的心灵深处,不只是固守残漏,更默默照亮开天辟地的壮,去冲破黎明前的黑暗! |
The simple plan evolved into a complicated scheme.
这个简单的计划发展成了一项复杂的规划。 |
The simple story is in the world of the animation is an absolute main factor, a complicated story details turns and twists confusing link for see an animation of the audience is a tremendous burden, the market need that is in present the top interest has
在动画的世界里简单的故事是绝对的要素,一个复杂的故事情节曲折迷离的环节对于看动画的观众是一项极大的负担,在现今的市场需求上趣味已经取代了传统的故事铺陈,在这个趣味挂帅的年代怎么样用简单的故事来表现剧情变成了最重要的课题,很明确地,从影片广告的方式可以感受到什么样的主题才是消费者的需求,过去高成本大制作的广告模式这几年已不复见,取而代之的是影片有多趣味多好玩,这就是典型的简单故事描述复杂的剧情,举例来说:电影史瑞克就是一个很典型的例子,单纯的救公主的剧情,不断的以“与传统思维相反”的剧情冲击着观众的思考模式 |
The simple things are always hard.
简单的事总是难作到。 |
The simple truth of this is undeniable, and yet when we examine the literature, we find theories of language development and entire books on the child's acquisition of language that pay no attention to how the infant's learning mechanisms develop and say
这个论断的真实性是不可否认的,然而,当我们仔细阅读文献的时候,我们却发现语言发展理论以及关于儿童语言习得问题的整本书都没有涉及婴儿的语言学习机制是如何发展起来的,也没有涉及婴儿是怎样对逐渐对语言行为产生兴趣的。 |
The simplest and most popular cosmological model today predicts that you have a twin in a galaxy about 10 to the 1028 meters from here.
当今最简单而且最受欢迎的宇宙学模型预测,在距离这里大约101028次方公尺远的星系里,会有一个你的双胞胎翻版。 |
The simplest approach is for the merchant to collect the credit card information via a separate phone call or fax and then to check the card through a call to the credit card company in the normal way.
对于商家来说,搜集信用卡信息的最简单的方法就是另外打电话或者发传真,然后通过正常的方式致电信用卡公司查验信用卡。 |
The simplest approach is to only permit multiplication and division by scalar numbers.
最简单的办法是我们只允许对标量数字进行乘法和除法运算。 |
The simplest conception lie in the most sophiscated brain.
76只有在复杂的脑袋里,才找得到非常简单的概念。 |
The simplest explanation for these dizzying swings is that prices reflected investors' expectations of future earnings.
对这种大起大落的现象最简单的解释就是,股票价格反映投资者对股票未来盈利的预期。 |