The Arab League's first offer came at the blood-soaked height of the second intifada; its reiteration found both Israeli and Palestinian politics at new lows of divisiveness and desperation.
阿盟一次提议是对血腥第二次巴勒斯坦人暴动的缓和,而重申则是因为巴以双方政治都处于不和与绝望的新低。 |
The Arab masses loved him for lobbing missiles at Tel Aviv.
阿拉伯大众曾因他向特拉维夫发射导弹而尊崇他。 |
The Arab mounted the camel and rode away.
那个阿拉伯人骑上骆驼走了。 |
The Arab people declared that they would fight to the finish.
阿拉伯人民宣布,他们要战斗到底。 |
The Arab people stand as one against their common enemy.
阿拉伯人民团结一致反抗他们共同的敌人。 |
The Arab residents went on strike and closed up all shops.
阿拉伯居民继续罢市,所有的店铺都关闭了。 |
The Arab states have a role to play as well.
阿拉伯国家也能扮演某种角色。 |
The Arab television station al-Jazeera broadcast a video showing the two German hostages on their knees with gunmen in the background.
阿拉伯语的半岛电视台播放了一段录像,显示两名德国人质双膝跪地,身后有枪手。 |
The Arab-Israeli confrontation is causing our firm serious difficulties.
阿拉伯国家和以色列的对抗给我们公司带来严重困难。 |
The Arabian Night is a book known to lovers of English.
天方夜谭>>是英语爱好者熟悉的一本好书。 |
The Arabian Nights' Entertainment is very interesting.
《一千零一夜》的故事非常有趣。 |